@noyovo Lots of emails to my local elected official. If you live in LA County, you can help us bring back masks (see below). Lucky to have a group of 8 Novids who still mask. Kids are going to win all the attendance awards this year! (They had less than 4% with perfect attendance after the first two weeks of classes this year, which is such a dramatic decrease the school has a special program to encourage regular attendance this year.)
COVID SAFETY 101 (2023)
FROM CovidHelp.org
#covidisnotover #bringbackmasks
WHEE! (/s) Trends are up.
(N.B., testing, reporting, and sequencing are down, but death, suffering and illness are up)
#covidisnotover #bringbackmasks #n95
Public comments from the CDC/HICPAC meeting: https://youtu.be/msjoFGnd0KU
Additional testimony at subsequent WHN meeting: https://youtu.be/IIRFqxK6BWs
Since you might have had trouble finding it
#covidisnotover #bringbackmasks #hicpac
TODAY AUG 25 is the last day to submit testimony to HICPAC about why infection control precautions should not be weakened. We need clean air and N95+ respirators in healthcare. We need transparency in CDC/HICPAC process.
Talking points from NNU: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GVvo0a3qru_1IcpO56Nj4VW3waNdwXapjFTAopwNjxY/mobilebasic
Submit your comment in writing to the CDC at hicpac@cdc.gov
also: CDC Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) needs public oversight.
#covidisnotover #bringbackmasks
@hko @shawrd773 The Breathe99 mask even plays well with my new heckin’ chonker glasses.
#CovidIsNotOver #BringBackMasks #KeepMasksInHealthcare
#covidisnotover #bringbackmasks #keepmasksinhealthcare
Testify to HICPAC Tuesday! Tell them to Recognize aerosol transmission.
HICPAC's August meeting is Tuesday at noon
Aug 22, 2023
#PublicHealth should not be a joke.
#bringbackmasks #covidisnotover #publichealth
I am switching from #WearAMask to #BringBackMasks as tags, because it shouldn't be all on individuals.
Like, sure, #masks aren’t super comfortable. But neither are heels, or bras, or suits & ties. Humans have been willingly making themselves uncomfortable every time they get dressed for CENTURIES. It’s not that.
I wear glasses, and have a really narrow nose bridge. Almost every mask I’ve ever tried fogged my glasses. I kept at it until I found some that worked, it can be done!
#masks #covidisnotover #bringbackmasks #keepmasksinhealthcare
It’s SO FUCKING EASY, it blows my mind that everybody isn’t willing to do this one simple thing!
#CovidIsNotOver #BringBackMasks #KeepMasksInHealthcare https://zeroes.ca/@DDelgadoVive/110924263566531574
#covidisnotover #bringbackmasks #keepmasksinhealthcare
Still worse nationwide than either of the first two years of the pandemic.
#covidisnotover #bringbackmasks
If you've got the capacity/spoons to sign and/or join in public comment:
"[National Nurses United has] concerns that the CDC may be headed in the wrong direction on multiple fronts, including failing to fully recognize aerosol transmission, incorporating crisis standards into infection control guidance, and downgrading personal protective equipment for health care workers."
Learn more: https://soundcloud.com/deathpanel/how-the-cdc-could-further-weaken-infection-control-w-jane-thomason-081723
#covidisnotover #masksinhealthcare #bringbackmasks
Day 1,255
#Pandemic #SarsCoV2
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #MaskUp #Aerosols #NewVariants #BringBackMasks #BringBackPCRs #Disabled #MassDisabling #WeAreNotOK #VascularDisease #ImmuneSystemDamage #CognitiveIssues #BrainDamage #POTS #MECFS #Superspreader #MasksWork #ImproveAirInSchools #CorsiRosenthal #N95 #KN94 #KidsGetCovidToo #ExcessDeaths #FromCovid #WithCovid #WeAreOnOurOwn
#EveryoneIsSickOfThis #DenialIsNotSafe #CovidIsNotDoneWithYou #StaySafe #Please
#pandemic #sarscov2 #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #longcovid #maskup #aerosols #newvariants #bringbackmasks #bringbackpcrs #disabled #massdisabling #wearenotok #vasculardisease #immunesystemdamage #cognitiveissues #braindamage #pots #mecfs #superspreader #maskswork #improveairinschools #corsirosenthal #n95 #kn94 #kidsgetcovidtoo #excessdeaths #fromcovid #withcovid #weareonourown #everyoneissickofthis #denialisnotsafe #covidisnotdonewithyou #staysafe #please
Local event (#Whittier #California): #KeepMasksInHealthcare
PIH Whittier on Saturday , August 5, 2023 at 3pm. #BringBackMasks
#whittier #california #keepmasksinhealthcare #bringbackmasks
According to a recent poll in Scotland, most people overwhelmingly favor bringing respirator masks back in healthcare (contrary to the current media narrative, which wants to push that it's unpopular). Fight back against conjured antimask propoganda, and #MaskUp . https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/23662884.poll-herald-readers-back-masks-hospitals-care-homes/?ref=twtrec #CovidIsNotOver #BringBackMasks #MasksInHealthcare
#maskup #covidisnotover #bringbackmasks #masksinhealthcare
That is why the #1 priority to our household right now is getting safe access to in-person healthcare, and that means we need N95s in healthcare facilities, and we need that... yesterday. We need providers to fight for us, or we will lose trust and faith in them. We need society to mask there, or we also lose trust and faith in them. #BringBackMasks #N95 #MasksInHealthcare #MaskUp #covid19 #CovidIsntOver #COVIDisAirborne
#bringbackmasks #n95 #masksinhealthcare #maskup #covid19 #covidisntover #covidisairborne
Endangering staff in hospitals (ntm the patient seeking care) should not be tolerated, especially when we have plenty of n95 masks to go around. COVID infections, transmission, and long Covid are huge problems: Largest US Hospital Sued: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/08/21/coronavirus-largest-us-hospital-owner-accused-in-lawsuit-of-endangering-staff-during-pandemic.html. More than Half of doctors with long Covid can no longer work full-time: https://www.bmj.com/content/382/bmj.p1529. #CovidIsntOver #LongCOVID #BringBackMasks #MaskUp
#covidisntover #longcovid #bringbackmasks #maskup
Since when has it been normal to have red, bloodshot eyes? Almost everyone I meet this week had them. Pretty sure they weren't out all night drinking. #COVIDIsNotOver #BringBackMasks
#covidisnotover #bringbackmasks