“I just went GAY all of a sudden!”
Cary Grant in Bringing Up Baby
#BringingUpBaby #HowardHawks #CaryGrant #DudleyNichols
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#bringingupbaby #howardhawks #carygrant #dudleynichols #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
I’ve been hearing a low rumbling hum for the past hour and I thought it was a truck or something outside. I just realized it’s coming from the TV, specifically, the soundtrack of Bringing Up Baby on TCM. What the hell?!?
#brownnote #bringingupbaby #TCMParty
85 years ago:
Bringing Up Baby (US)
David Huxley is waiting to get a bone he needs for his museum collection. Through a series of strange circumstances, he meets Susan Vance, and the duo have a series of misadventures which include a leopard called Baby.
#BringingUpBaby #HowardHawks #KatharineHepburn #CaryGrant #FritzFeld #RKO #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#bringingupbaby #HowardHawks #katharinehepburn #carygrant #fritzfeld #rko #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Found out why #BringingUpBaby always gets mentioned when it comes to classic movies - it's because it's funny as hell. #KatharineHepburn is the original manic pixie dream girl ensnaring #CaryGrant's paleontologist in her antics to woo him. Leopards loose in patrician Connecticut and pet dogs filching dinosaur bones are the least of it
Is it completely implausible? Kinda creepy from the modern perspective? The banter flies too fast for us to think about that.
#bringingupbaby #katharinehepburn #carygrant
In addition to Holiday, #TCM is airing a number of #screwballcomedy films tonight in their screwball comedy spotlight. #BringingUpBaby #HisGirlFriday #ThePhiladelphiaStory #comedy #TCMparty
Bringing Up Baby:
His Girl Friday:
The Philadelphia Story:
#TCMParty #comedy #thephiladelphiastory #hisgirlfriday #bringingupbaby #screwballcomedy #tcm
Haven’t seen it, will go on my list.
Rarely do more than a few years go by that I don’t rewatch #BringingUpBaby or it’s more modern remake #WhatsUpDoc. These two movies leave rolling every time.
Really? Only 7? Ok, I’ll try.
English language (no order)
#TheGodfather (both parts)
(I cheated)
#unforgiven #bringingupbaby #thegodfather #anniehall #fortapache #tinker #ariverrunsthroughit #pathsofglory #7filmstoknowmeby
#7filmstoknowme to know me?
#WutheringHeights (Olivier)
#7filmstoknowme #enemyatthegates #roadtoperdition #bringingupbaby #sevensamurai #wutheringheights #thebestyearsofourlives #roma
NYJ, 67 year old retired attorney, a man who enjoys things. #CarlBarks #georgeherriman #segar #saulbellow #leftbanke #ElvisCostello #spinaltap #credibilitygap #bringingupbaby #edmcbain #KimberleyRew #thedbs #bigstar #Raspberries #auctions #firsteditions #masterandmargarita #broadway #musicals #HudsonSquare #citywinery #sativa #soju #chekhov #josephroth #charleswilleford #jimthompson #StanleyKubrick #martinscorsese #briandepalma #patriciahighsmith #thekinks #Balzac #mottthehoople #flashman
#Flashman #MottTheHoople #balzac #thekinks #PatriciaHighsmith #briandepalma #martinscorsese #stanleykubrick #jimthompson #charleswilleford #josephroth #chekhov #soju #sativa #citywinery #HudsonSquare #musicals #broadway #masterandmargarita #firsteditions #auctions #raspberries #BigStar #thedbs #KimberleyRew #edmcbain #bringingupbaby #credibilitygap #spinaltap #ElvisCostello #leftbanke #saulbellow #segar #georgeherriman #CarlBarks