We can make demands all day to #BringMasksBack , #CleanTheAir #MasksInHealthcare but imo we need a OR WHAT.. I have one for schools (I homeschool) I have one for stores (curbside), I don't have one for healthcare (besides telehealth, but that's not gna help in an emergency or hospitalization). We need an or what for healthcare. We need some hospitals to stand up and compete.. are our numbers big enough, can we even get one to commit to keeping masks? #CovidIsntOver #LongCOVID
#bringmasksback #cleantheair #masksinhealthcare #covidisntover #longcovid
South Korea to lift mask mandate for most indoor spaces Jan. 30
"Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said Friday that South Korea plans to lift the mask mandate, its last remaining pandemic restriction, for most indoor spaces Jan. 30."
#covid #CovidIsNotOver #bringmasksback
🎢 #PANDEMIC 🧪 SUPRISES 🏢 Alarmingly, Surprisingly, Sometimes Expected: 'The panic-neglect cycle persists' IS NOT SURPRISING and allows people like myself to be annoying in early predictions and regular nagging! Shout out to the Copy Cat Posters https://www.statnews.com/2022/12/27/covid19-pandemic-what-most-surprised-experts/ 27 Dec 2022 #medicalresearchupdates 🧬 #maskswork #maskup #bringmasksback #CovidisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
#pandemic #medicalresearchupdates #MasksWork #MaskUp #bringmasksback #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
Cases like this should go to court and people need to start being held accountable. Could this be a way to #BringBackPublicHealth?
#bringbackpublichealth #thepandemicisntover #bringmasksback
I guess the so-called 'doctor' who was just on @MSNBC@twitter.com scrapes her toilet bowl with her toothbrush before brushing her teeth in order to avoid an 'immunity gap' with her toilet!!
🚽🤢 😷🦠
#bringmasksback #bringpublichealthback #bringhygieneback
@luckytran Meanwhile... on #ChristmasDay here in #Hiroshima, #Japan.😷
It should be common sense, but "Mah FREEdumb!!!" 🤦🏿♂️
#christmasday #hiroshima #japan #CovidIsNotOver #bringmasksback
RT @sinuslaune@twitter.com
So. Der erste Schritt ist getan. Teilt das Bild in eurer Bubble, teilt es auf WhatsApp und auf Instagram.
Ich kann vorbereiten. Aber ohne eure Zauberkräfte kann ich das Projekt nicht fliegen lassen.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sinuslaune/status/1580438473785323520
#bringmasksback #CovidIsntOver
🤬MILITANT MASK PSA 🤬: *@FitTestMyPlanet Dec 20 said "That valved mask was able to score in thousands on(unrealistic) static test, and with realistic use it scored >200 harmonic. The mask itself was not great but it wouldn’t have been possible to score that high on static if the valve was more than 1% of total leakage." 2/3* #covid19virustransmission 😷 #masks 🧬 #maskswork #maskup #bringmasksback #CovidisAirborne
#covid19virustransmission #masks #MasksWork #MaskUp #bringmasksback #COVIDisAirborne
So now apparently FOOTBALL harms the immune system?
This would be ridiculously funny if it weren't so goddamn tragic. ☄️
#MERS #immunesystem #ImmuneDysregulation #leonardieffect #SARS2 #LongCOVID #thepandemicisntover #bringmasksback
Thank you.
We're here. 💪
RT @areyouaFREYd@twitter.com
To everyone who refuses to acquiesce to this sociologically constructed “normal” that powerful interests have fueled & funded over time, I see you and I’m with you. Your courage and commitment to protecting people matters and is more meaningful than it may seem. #CovidIsNotOver
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/areyouaFREYd/status/1603469079360458752
#thepandemicisntover #bringmasksback #CovidIsNotOver
We DEMAND safety again.
#BringMasksBack @chrisfearne@twitter.com
RT @sasswashere@twitter.com
Let’s cut the shit. Why are we not on the streets? Why are we not boycotting “donors”? Enough of this absolute insanity. We must DEMAND and by any means necessary force all levels of govt to mandate masking. They should be TERRIFIED. Leaders should be terrified.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sasswashere/status/1601803118953783296
Time to #bringmasksback I never stopped. WAY to many people out sick these days! #covid #CovidIsNotOver
#bringmasksback #covid #CovidIsNotOver
Yeah, they're doing this because they know it's airborne and that getting infected is a BAD idea. Not because of 'iMmUnItY dEbT'.
Demand the SAME for yourself and your loved ones!
RT @Poppendieck@twitter.com
All US Federally owned buildings will now be required to use MERV 13 filtration and "verify" ventilation.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Poppendieck/status/1600927427462852608
#thepandemicisntover #bringmasksback #cleanairforall
@JenC Hello! Glad to follow you. Thank you for adding your voice and talents here. Social work is essential work. (One area amongst many of agreement: #COVIDisNotOver and #BringMasksBack)
#bringmasksback #CovidIsNotOver
French PM says covid is not over and calls for wearing a mask in public transport.
As they say here in Belgium "when it rains in Paris, it drizzles in Brussels", so I hope to hear something similar from our own government soon. #bringmasksback #CovidIsNotOver
#bringmasksback #CovidIsNotOver
So, @Morning_Joe@twitter.com is spreading disinformation and #fakenews and blaming masks and the lie of 'immunity debt' for the surge in flu hospitalisations. Don't trust this show for info. They are LYING to you. Masks don't make you sick. Masks SAVE LIVES.
Shame on you!
@harmonicarichard while you are stating the obvious regarding TFG, this by no means exonerates Biden from any responsibility towards *leading* in this pandemic. I had high hopes for him, but unfortunately, from lying about the pandemic being over, to concealing information people need in order to protect themselves, he has failed and continues to fail, miserably!
#thepandemicisntover #bringmasksback #WearAMask #n95orbetter
@harmonicarichard while you are stating the obvious regarding TFG, this by no means exoenrates Biden from any responsibility towards *leading* in this pandemic. I had high hopes for him, unfortunately, from lying about the pandemic being over, to concealing information people need in order to protect themselves, he has failed and continues to fail, miserably!
#thepandemicisntover #bringmasksback #WearAMask #n95orbetter
As the #ocdsb debates #BringMasksBack - Alberta moves to make that impossible https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-government-bans-school-mask-mandates-online-only-learning-1.6663527