Edel Coffey: Barbie's movie-star turn sees her transcend everyday politics https://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle-columnists/arid-41186152.html #Barbie #bringthejoy
So me & Office Bestie are working from home today. She calls, venting about some of the ridiculous people at “Big Institution”. She finished her gripe & hit her w/ my interaction w/ a person affecting that vocal fry faux-accent that Californians do. I had her ROLLING! I’ve never heard her laugh like this.
I’m incredible at mimicry. This makes my D&D players so happy but you better watch out when I tell stories. 😇 #BringTheJoy #BeTheJoy
If you know anyone who's unwell & on their own at #Christmas tell them about the online #singing group @HeraPartnership 23rd & 25th December
#TeamGP #SocialPrescribing #BringTheJoy #Loneliness
#christmas #singing #teamgp #SocialPrescribing #bringthejoy #loneliness