Hello ! Après des années de bons et loyaux service j'abandonne la #brita au profit d'un #purificateur d'#eau plus durable le #berkey
Le coût et la taille ne permettent pas une acquisition aisée mais je pense être satisfait à terme avec ma petite famille.
Nous verrons 😉
#brita #purificateur #eau #berkey
#Inflation cools, but as costs for companies go down, the question is: Will the high prices they charge people stay?
Clorox’s chief executive, #LindaRendle, said she didn't plan to reduce prices even as costs fell. #Clorox, which sells #BurtsBees skin care products, #Brita water filters, & a slew of cleaning products, increased its prices by 16% in its most recent quarter. It's profits have soared too.
“We intend for these price increases to stick,” she said. 🤮
#Capitalism is not our friend 💸
#inflation #lindarendle #clorox #burtsbees #brita #capitalism
I never read the instructions for by brita #waterfilter and never realized I’m supposed to fill and drain the bottle twice before using the newly installed #filter to allow it to become primed or something.
I also have no idea how often I’m supposed to change the filters 🤷♀️🤷🤷♂️
Any water filter and other hydration advice appreciated in these hot hot times 🥺
Also here’s a random related poll:
For #Brita users:
How often do you change the filter?
#waterfilter #filter #brita #water #drink #extremeheat #hydrate
Happy Monday! If you're staying hydrated today, make sure you're not reaching for bottled water! 🚰
Die Wehenschau (KW 13/2023)
Mit einem Heimsieg gegen Zwickau könnte man am Sonntag vergnügt dabei zusehen, wie sich die Konkurrenten gegenseitig die Punkte wegnehmen. Aber vorher muss erst mal gewonnen werden.
#Vorschau #3.Liga #AlfMintzel #Brita-Arena #BrooklynEzeh #FSVZwickau #Heimspiel #RonnyKönig #SaschaMockenhaupt #SVWW #ThorstenBarg
#vorschau #alfmintzel #brita #brooklynezeh #fsvzwickau #Heimspiel #ronnykonig #saschamockenhaupt #svww #thorstenbarg
Is a #Brita pitcher effective at filtering out potential chemical contamination in #Philly water? Officially no, but actually maybe. Ambiguous perhaps, but fortune favors the bold.
I know this is off topic, but I need help. Brita water filters are defective and they do not honor the warranty. #brita
#Brita Water Filter for Sink, Complete Faucet Mount Water Filtration System for Tap Water, Reduces 99% of Lead, White $15
#brita #delete #deal #waterfilter
Die Wehenschau (KW 5/2023)
In der 3. Liga wurden einige Trainer entlassen, viele Ex-Wehener haben den Verein gewechselt, aber beim SVWW selbst ist alles ruhig. - Farouk nach
#Vorschau #AgyemangDiawusie #AminFarouk #Brita-Arena #Heimspiel #JakovMedić #JeremiasLorch #JoséPierreVunguidica #KevinLankford #MichaelGuthörl #MikeKrannich #Nachwuchsleistungszentrum #RüdigerRehm #SVWW #TörlesKnöll #TorstenFröhling #ViktoriaKöln
#vorschau #agyemangdiawusie #aminfarouk #brita #Heimspiel #jakovmedic #jeremiaslorch #josepierrevunguidica #kevinlankford #michaelguthorl #mikekrannich #Nachwuchsleistungszentrum #rudigerrehm #svww #torlesknoll #torstenfrohling #viktoriakoln
"Avond" fomapan 400 bw 35mm film ontwikkeld in koffie #50mm #analoog.
Wat ben ik blij met je #Brita waterfilter. Je had zoals altijd gelijk @Coffeetic ik had logischerwijs eerder naar je moeten luisteren. Dat scheelt enorm veel retoucheer werk. 🙏 #Apeldoorn #coffee #analog #caffenol #35mmfilm
#35mmfilm #caffenol #analog #Coffee #apeldoorn #brita #analoog #50mm
"Avond" fomapan 400 bw 35mm film ontwikkeld in koffie #50mm #analoog.
Wat ben ik blij met je #Brita waterfilter. Je had zoals altijd gelijk @Coffeetic ik had logischerwijs eerder naar je moeten luisteren. Dat scheelt enorm veel retoucheer werk. 🙏 #Apeldoorn #coffee #analog #caffenol #35mmfilm
#35mmfilm #caffenol #analog #Coffee #apeldoorn #brita #analoog #50mm
“Ekscitiĝo” (Frenzy) – la murdista banalaĵo de Hitchcock https://stanobelov.blogspot.com/2019/11/ekscitigo-frenzy-la-murdista-banalajo.html #Alfred #Hitchcock #brita #kino #detektivoj #filmoj #psikopatoj #seriaj #murdistoj #esperanto #stano
#alfred #hitchcock #brita #kino #detektivoj #filmoj #psikopatoj #seriaj #murdistoj #esperanto #stano
“La luanto” (The Lodger): Alfred Hitchcock kiel mizogino https://stanobelov.blogspot.com/2020/04/la-luanto-lodger-alfred-hitchcock-kiel.html #Alfred #Hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #kino #seriaj #murdistoj #virinoj #esperanto #stano
#alfred #hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #seriaj #murdistoj #virinoj #esperanto #stano
“Vienaj valsoj”: Hitchcock-a fabelo pri la juna Johann Strauss https://stanobelov.blogspot.com/2020/04/vienaj-valsoj-hitchcock-fabelo-pri-la.html #Alfred #Hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #kino #muziko #vieno #esperanto #stano
#alfred #hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #muziko #vieno #esperanto #stano
“Vienaj valsoj”: Hitchcock-a fabelo pri la juna Johann Strauss https://stanobelov.blogspot.com/2020/04/vienaj-valsoj-hitchcock-fabelo-pri-la.html #Alfred #Hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #kino #muziko #vieno #esperanto #stano
#alfred #hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #muziko #vieno #esperanto #stano
“Homo kiu ekkonis senfinecon” – kliŝa historio pri kliŝoj https://stanobelov.blogspot.com/2020/04/homo-kiu-ekkonis-senfinecon-klisa.html #biografioj #brita #kino #feminismo #filmobiografioj #filmoj #kino #politiko #rasismo #scienco #esperanto #stano
#biografioj #brita #kino #feminismo #filmobiografioj #filmoj #politiko #rasismo #scienco #esperanto #stano
“Homo kiu ekkonis senfinecon” – kliŝa historio pri kliŝoj https://stanobelov.blogspot.com/2020/04/homo-kiu-ekkonis-senfinecon-klisa.html #biografioj #brita #kino #feminismo #filmobiografioj #filmoj #kino #politiko #rasismo #scienco #esperanto #stano
#biografioj #brita #kino #feminismo #filmobiografioj #filmoj #politiko #rasismo #scienco #esperanto #stano
Frivola konduto (Easy Virtue): la porknabina melodramo de Alfred Hitchcock https://stanobelov.blogspot.com/2019/12/frivola-konduto-easy-virtue-la.html #Alfred #Hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #kino #esperanto #stano
#alfred #hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #esperanto #stano
Frivola konduto (Easy Virtue): la porknabina mleodramo de Alfred Hitchcock https://stanobelov.blogspot.com/2019/12/frivola-konduto-easy-virtue-la.html #Alfred #Hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #kino #esperanto #stano
#alfred #hitchcock #brita #kino #filmoj #esperanto #stano