So India is sorted.
What's next. Britannia?
#britannia #gutkhafiles #foolabillion
#britannia #gutkhafiles #foolabillion
One of the world's best known ships, the Royal Yacht Britannia sailed over a million miles on 968 official voyages to almost every part of the globe and is now moored in Leith, where she has become one of Edinburgh's major attractions. More pics and info:
#Scotland #RoyalYachtBritannia #Britannia #Leith #Edinburgh #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #edinburgh #leith #britannia #royalyachtbritannia #scotland
📍: Lock 15, Bunbury Upper Lock
ℹ️: lock
📸: Photo by ARG_Flickr on Flickr
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #70000 #britannia
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #britannia
Sekä Britannia että Euroopan Unioni haluavat kieltää vahvan, murtamattoman salauksen viestiliikenteessä.
Taustalla on tietysti ikiaikainen keppihevonen "Mutta ajatelkaa edes lapsia!!1".
Signalin johtaja kertoo haastattelussa hyvin selkeästi miksi idea on järjetön - ja mitä siitä seuraisi.
#salaus #signal #whatsapp #britannia #uutiset #sananvapaus #teknologia
#salaus #signal #whatsapp #britannia #uutiset #sananvapaus #teknologia
Orkneyn saarilla pohditaan ehdotusta siirtyä Norjan alaiseksi itsehallintoalueeksi. Taustalla on tyytymättömyys Britannian alueelle antamaan rahoitukseen.
Photo of the Day 20th June 2023.
G-BYAD, Boeing 757-204, Britannia, parked on Gate 201 at Manchester Airport, some time in the 1990s.
5 photos behind the link.
#Manchester #MAN #EGCC #Boeing #B757 #Britannia
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #man #egcc #boeing #b757 #britannia #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
lolz... Look who followed my bird account. So disappointed it's not a parody account. Ntl, how sweet of them to enlist my prestige in their valiant endeavour.
#UKPolitics #RoyalFamily #KingCharles #KingCharlesIII #Albion #Britannia 😀
#ukpolitics #royalfamily #kingcharles #kingcharlesiii #albion #britannia
Thatcherin porukoiden käynnistämä Britannian vesiyhtiöien yksityistäminen ja alueelliset monopolit ovat tuottaneet briteille melkoisen paljon ikävyyksiä.
Not so great success.
Tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan #monarkia a kannattaa #IsoBritannia ssa 58 % aikuisista, mutta luku on pienentynyt reilussa 10 vuodessa roimasti.
#monarkia #isobritannia #uk #britannia #monarchy
The Battle Vortex Audio Show
Ultima Online is a wonder. World of Warcraft debuted in 2004; Ultima Online started in 1997. And it's still going!
When it was new podcasts were not yet a thing! Podcasts arose from the fusion of periodic MP3 audio content and RSS feeds, in October 2000. Yet when UO was new there was
#niche #retro #battlevortex #britannia #gaminghistory #lordbritish #mmorpg #niche #podcast #retro #ultima #ultimaonline
#ultimaonline #ultima #podcast #mmorpg #lordbritish #gaminghistory #britannia #battlevortex #retro #niche
G-BJXJ, Boeing 737-219(A), Britannia Airlines, being pushed back from Gate 7 at Manchester Airport, 12th April 1992, as seen from seat 29F on G-BMRJ, Boeing 757-236, British Airways, operating BAW4463 to London Heathrow.
Not that I was keeping extensive notes because this was my first flight, or anything.
#manchester #MAN #EGCC #Boeing #B737 #Britannia
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #man #egcc #boeing #b737 #britannia #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Britannia: Sky belässt es bei 3 Staffeln #Britannia
Despite a major Season 3 cliffhanger finale the #UK's #SkyAtlantic has cancelled #Britannia. The series was carried by #PrimeVideo in the US for its first season, and on #Epix for Seasons 2 and 3. #television
#uk #skyatlantic #britannia #primevideo #epix #television
Britannia - Cancelled After 3 Seasons
#Britannia #TV #Television #Cancellation #Cancelled
#britannia #tv #television #cancellation #cancelled
Britannia - Cancelled After 3 Seasons
#Britannia #TV #Television #Cancellation #Cancelled
#britannia #tv #television #cancellation #cancelled
Taken this day, 2012, admiring the mighty Britannia as she gets up steam
#photography #SteamLocomotive #Britannia #SteamEngine #History #train #railway #PeopleWatching #SteamTrain
#steamtrain #peoplewatching #railway #train #history #steamengine #britannia #steamlocomotive #photography
Noin ajatuksellisesti, jos #Britannia palaisi #EU:hun, pitäisi ainakin päästä sen valtiollisista porsaanrei’istä eli lukuisista muodollisesti Britanniaan kuulumattomista alueista kuten Kanaalisaarista, joiden hallitsija kuitenkin on Kaarle III ja joiden asioista merkittävässä määrin päätetään #Lontoo'ssa. #politiikka #brexit
#brexit #politiikka #lontoo #eu #britannia
Le 5 mars 1850 : ouverture du pont #Britannia #histoire #cejourla #invention
#britannia #histoire #cejourla #invention
I'll be giving a talk about "Britannia Bridge and the Menai Heritage Archives" on 29 March, for the excellent Menai Heritage lecture series, at the Thomas Telford Centre, Menai Bridge (across from Waitrose). It will explore the archives by showing items related to the Britannia Bridge at various times in its history.
#anglesey #ynysmon #bridges #britannia #archives #history #hanes
#hanes #history #archives #britannia #bridges #ynysmon #anglesey