Agree with Nudda, you really spiced that show up. I hated that they killed you off but honestly I thought it was a realistic scene. Sometimes actors don't die well. It's on #BritboxUS if anyone wants to watch. (Also loved the hair 😃)
#Vera S12. Only have first 2 episodes up on #BritboxUS but so far so great.
#Vera #britboxus #pet #love #crackon
I love watching British mysteries and crime dramas. I decided to watch #Vera from S1 again on #BritBoxUS Now i need to start reading #AnnCleeves books. #britishcrimedrama #britishmystery #blackmastodon #blackfediverse
#vera #britboxus #anncleeves #britishcrimedrama #britishmystery #blackmastodon #blackfediverse