Love @nathan and David Wormsley's WP Build Podcast! It's so good!
#wordpress #britishaccent #foss
My current favorite regional #Britishaccent is #Liverpool. I like how the words sound. The expressions are fun. To my ear it sounds unpretentious, down to earth and friendly. I didn't get a chance to visit last time I crossed the pond but next time I will def go there.
So my #voice is something that I've definitely been having less dysphoria about lately, which is something I've struggled with on and off since the start of my transition and while I'm not comfortable sharing any recordings of my pre-transition voice, here is a recording of it I did today.
It's a short segment of me reading Ken Thompson's letter to Mergenthaler from the vacation memo (covered in the computerphile 202 jailbreak video).
While I still think there's room for improvement I think I've gotten quite far and I'm pretty happy with where I am vocally. Bear in mind I have not had any kind of professional voice training.
#trans #transwoman #transvoice #britishaccent #transpositivity
#voice #trans #transwoman #transvoice #britishaccent #transpositivity