In Graves Unmarked: Slavery and Abolition in Stoneham, Massachusetts by Ben Jacques
#blackchattelslavery, #slavey, #abolition, #antiblackness, #massachusetts, #stoneham, #charlestown, #unitedstatesofamerika, #colonialism, #britishcolonialism, #britishempire, #slavemasters, #slaveowners, #enslavedpeople, #enslavedAfricans, #slavelabor, #slavercolonialism, #invadercolonialism
“In winter the bare trees are black against the snow and sky in the Old Burying Ground on Pleasant Street. Like frosting, snow decorates the gravestones of our town’s early families. The Bryants, the Bucknams, the Gerrys, the Greens, the Goulds, the Hays—our founders.
But beyond the cluster of 18th and 19th century stones, there are bare spots where no markers disturb the gentle slope of the earth. Here those with no status in colonial Stoneham lie in unmarked graves. Here are buried the town’s slaves.”
So begins the untold story of slavery and abolition in a town of farmers and shoemakers just north of Boston. Once part of Charlestown, the village was incorporated in 1725 as Stoneham, Massachusetts.
#blackchattelslavery #slavey #abolition #antiblackness #massachusetts #stoneham #charlestown #unitedstatesofamerika #colonialism #britishcolonialism #britishempire #slavemasters #slaveowners #enslavedpeople #enslavedafricans #SlaveLabor #slavercolonialism #invadercolonialism
Slavery in the Connecticut Valley of Massachusetts by Robert H. Romer
#blackchattelslavery, #massachusetts, #slavery, #connecticutvalley, #newengland, #unitedstatesofamerika, #britishcolonialism, #colonialism, #pioneervalley, #deerfield, #Africandiaspora, #antiblackness
In this first history of slavery in western Massachusetts in colonial times, Robert H. Romer demonstrates that slavery was pervasive in the Pioneer Valley in the 1700s, where many of the ministers and other “important people” owned black slaves.
#blackchattelslavery #massachusetts #slavery #connecticutvalley #newengland #unitedstatesofamerika #britishcolonialism #colonialism #pioneervalley #deerfield #AfricanDiaspora #antiblackness
Consuming Whiteness: Australian Racism and the ›White Sugar‹ Campaign by Stefanie Affeldt
#australia, #sugar, #whitesupremacy, #antiblackness, #sugarrefining, #sugarplantations, #whiteaustralia, #whiteaustraliapolicy, #genocide, #colonialism, #britishcolonialism, #europeancolonialism, #invadercolonialism, #whitenationalism, #consumerism, #queensland, #blackbirding, #labororganizing, #laboractivism, #sugarstrike
The ›white Australia policy‹ has so far largely been discussed with regard only to the political-ideological perspective. No account was taken of the central problem of racist societalization, that is the everyday production and reproduction of ›race‹ as a social relation (›doing race‹) which was supported by broad sections of the population.
#australia #sugar #whitesupremacy #antiblackness #sugarrefining #sugarplantations #whiteaustralia #whiteaustraliapolicy #genocide #colonialism #britishcolonialism #europeancolonialism #invadercolonialism #whitenationalism #consumerism #queensland #blackbirding #laborOrganizing #laboractivism #sugarstrike
RT @FenCoul
FFS, 🏴, get the fcuk on with it!
The "U"K🇬🇧 is the last vestigial appendix-like organ of the #BritishEmpire & #SmallerEnglishEmpire &
#BritishColonialism and, as such, must die #ASAP.
We're all relying on you to stamp the "U"K🇬🇧 out of existence...
#britishempire #smallerenglishempire #britishcolonialism #asap
RT @FenCoul
FFS, 🏴, get the fcuk on with it!
The "U"K🇬🇧 is the last vestigial appendix-like organ of the #BritishEmpire & #SmallerEnglishEmpire &
#BritishColonialism and, as such, must die #ASAP.
We're all relying on you to stamp the "U"K🇬🇧 out of existence...
#britishempire #smallerenglishempire #britishcolonialism #asap
FFS, 🏴, get the fcuk on with it!
The "U"K🇬🇧 is the last vestigial appendix-like organ of the #BritishEmpire & #SmallerEnglishEmpire &
#BritishColonialism and, as such, must die #ASAP. It doesn't belong in the modern world.
We're all relying on you to stamp the "U"K🇬🇧 out of existence...
#uk #ukpolitics #Scotland #independence #Yousaf #SNP
"Tuesday briefing: What Humza Yousaf’s win means for Scotland, the SNP and independence"
#snp #yousaf #independence #scotland #ukpolitics #uk #asap #britishcolonialism #smallerenglishempire #britishempire
Rape of Cameroons by Félix-Roland Moumié; Alao Aka Bashorun
#UPC, #UniondesPopulationsduCameroun, #Cameroun, #Cameroon, #Cameroons, #Kamerun, #frenchcolonialism, #britishcolonialism, #antiblackness, #luttearmée, #françafrique, #histoiredelAfrique, #antiimpérialisme, #UN, #UnitedNations
Booklet detailing French atrocities in Cameroun under French trusteeship.
#upc #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #cameroun #cameroon #Cameroons #Kamerun #frenchcolonialism #britishcolonialism #antiblackness #luttearmee #francafrique #histoiredelAfrique #antiimperialisme #un #unitednations
Um Nyobè discours devant l'ONU en 1952 by Ruben Um Nyobè; Abel Eyinga
#discours, #UPC, #UniondesPopulationsduCameroun, #Cameroun, #Cameroon, #Cameroons, #Kamerun, #colonialismefrançais, #britishcolonialism, #françafrique, #histoiredelAfrique, #lONU, #NationsUnie, #décolonisation, #antiimpérialisme, #anticolonialisme
Um Nyobè sur la question de l'indépendance et de la réunification du Kamerun devant la 4e commission de l'assemblée générale de l'ONU le 17 décembre. Introduction de Abel Eyinga.
#discours #upc #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #cameroun #cameroon #Cameroons #Kamerun #colonialismefrancais #britishcolonialism #francafrique #histoiredelAfrique #lonu #nationsunie #decolonisation #antiimperialisme #anticolonialisme
Radical Nationalism in Cameroun: Social Origins of the U.P.C. Rebellion by Richard A. Joseph
#UniondespopulationsduCameroun, #UPC, #Cameroun, #Kamerun, #Cameroon, #RadicalNationalism, #RevolutionaryNationalism, #AntiColonialism, #GermanColonialism, #BritishColonialism, #FrenchColonialism, #AntiImperialism, #Politicalindependence, #TradeUnionism, #GuerillaWarfare, #Organisation, #SocialMovements
"The Union des Populations du Cameroun is a particularly interesting subject for a case study in African politics because it went against the dominant pattern of nationalist policies in French sub-Saharan Africa. It demanded the independence of Cameroun from Greater France; it called for reunification with the neighbouring colony of the British Cameroons; it viewed colonialism as based on capitalist exploitation and did not hesitate to say so, and it persisted in this radical challenge despite intense administrative and, later, military repression.
#UniondespopulationsduCameroun #upc #cameroun #Kamerun #cameroon #radicalnationalism #revolutionarynationalism #anticolonialism #germancolonialism #britishcolonialism #frenchcolonialism #antiimperialism #politicalindependence #tradeunionism #guerillawarfare #organisation #socialmovements
The West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change Since 1492 by David Watts
#Caribbean, #Caribbeanhistory, #historyoftheCaribbean, #geography, #historicalgeography, #genocide, #blackchattelslavery, #slavetrade, #antiblackness, #translatlanticslavetrade, #whitesupremacy, #imperialism, #colonialism, #spanishimperialism, #spanishcolonialism, #britishimperialism, #britishcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #dutchimperialism, #dutchcolonialism, #amerikas, #northamerika, #plantations, #plantationeconomy, #sugarplantations, #environmentalgeography, #slavesocieties, #ecology
This magisterial survey of the historical geography of the West Indies is at bottom concerned with the causes and consequences of three complex and inter-related phenomena: the rapid and total removal of a large aboriginal population; the development of plantation agriculture and the arrival of enforced labour, in the form of many thousands of African slaves; and the environmental, ecological and cultural changes that resulted.
#caribbean #Caribbeanhistory #historyoftheCaribbean #geography #historicalgeography #genocide #blackchattelslavery #slavetrade #antiblackness #translatlanticslavetrade #whitesupremacy #imperialism #colonialism #spanishimperialism #spanishcolonialism #britishimperialism #britishcolonialism #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #dutchimperialism #dutchcolonialism #amerikas #northamerika #plantations #plantationeconomy #sugarplantations #environmentalgeography #slavesocieties #ecology
❝Between 1880 to 1920, British colonial policies in India claimed more lives than all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China and North Korea combined ❞
~ Professor Jason Hickel and Dylan Sullivan.
#India #BritishColonialism #AbolishTheMonarchy
#AbolishTheMonarchy #britishcolonialism #india
Position de l'U.P.C. vis-à-vis de l'Indépendance du Kamerun by Félix-Roland Moumié; Ernest Ouandié; Abel Kingué
#UPC, #UniondesPopulationsduCameroun, #Cameroun, #Cameroon, #Cameroons, #Kamerun, #indépendance, #revolution, #frenchcolonialism, #britishcolonialism, #antiblackness, #colonialisme, #colonialismefrançais, #imperialismefrançais, #néocolonialisme, #colonialismebritannique, #imperialismebritannique, #luttearmée, #françafrique, #histoiredelAfrique, #antiimpérialisme
Conakry: Imprimerie Nationale
#upc #UniondespopulationsduCameroun #cameroun #cameroon #Cameroons #Kamerun #indépendance #revolution #frenchcolonialism #britishcolonialism #antiblackness #colonialisme #colonialismefrançais #imperialismefrançais #néocolonialisme #colonialismebritannique #imperialismebritannique #luttearmée #françafrique #histoiredelAfrique #antiimpérialisme
Landed Obligation: The Practice of Power in Buganda by Holly Elisabeth Hanson
#EastAfrica, #Buganda, #Africanhistory, #Africa, #Baganda, #BugandaKingdom, #KingdomofBuganda, #Mailo, #landtenure, #monarchies, #monarchy, #colonialism, #britishcolonialism, #britishimperialism, #Uganda, #Kabaka, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #slavetrade, #slaveraids, #slaveraiding, #arabslavetrade, #war, #land, #socialhierarchy, #socialhierarchies
Series: Social History of Africa
Publisher: Heinemann (Reed Elsevier)
ISBNs: 0325070377 (cloth), 0325070369 (paper)
ISSN: 1099-8098
#EastAfrica #Buganda #Africanhistory #africa #Baganda #BugandaKingdom #KingdomofBuganda #mailo #landtenure #monarchies #monarchy #colonialism #britishcolonialism #britishimperialism #uganda #Kabaka #slavery #blackchattelslavery #slavetrade #slaveraids #slaveraiding #arabslavetrade #war #land #socialhierarchy #socialhierarchies
Nkrumah and the Ghana Revolution by C. L. R. James
#KwameNkrumah, #Ghana, #goldcoast, #revolution, #Africanhistory, #historyofAfrica, #PanAfricanism, #GeorgePadmore, #urbanization, #britishcolonialism, #britishimperialism, #proletarianization, #decolonization, #anticolonialism, #PanAfricanism, #marxism, #leninism, #socialism
A collection of essays written over a span of two decades.
#KwameNkrumah #ghana #goldcoast #revolution #Africanhistory #historyofAfrica #panafricanism #GeorgePadmore #Urbanization #britishcolonialism #britishimperialism #proletarianization #decolonization #anticolonialism #marxism #leninism #socialism
Historical Dictionary of European Imperialism by James S. Olson; Robert Shadle; Ross Marlay; William G. Ratliff; Joseph M. Rowe, Jr.; Judith E. Olson; J. Larry Murdock
#imperialism, #europe, #history, #colonialism, #dictionaries, #historicaldictionaries, #spanishempire, #spanishimperialism, #spanishcolonialism, #portugueseempire, #portugueseimperialism, #portuguesecolonialism, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #britishimperialism, #britishcolonialism, #britishempire, #dutchempire, #dutchimperialism, #dutchcolonialism, #frenchempire, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #germanempire, #germanimperialism, #germancolonialism, #belgianempire, #belgianimperialism, #belgiancolonialism, #italianempire, #italianimperialism, #italiancolonialism, #genocide, #spain, #portugal, #britain, #greatbritain, #unitedkingdom, #españa, #thenetherlands, #netherlands, #nederland, #holland, #france, #germany, #deutschland, #belgium, #belgië, #belgique, #belgien, #italy, #italia, #empire, #empires, #whitesupremacy
The major focus of this historical dictionary is on the Spanish, Portuguese, British, Dutch, French, German, Belgian, and Italian empires during the past 500 years.
#imperialism #europe #history #colonialism #dictionaries #historicaldictionaries #spanishempire #spanishimperialism #spanishcolonialism #portugueseempire #portugueseimperialism #portuguesecolonialism #slavery #blackchattelslavery #britishimperialism #britishcolonialism #britishempire #dutchempire #dutchimperialism #dutchcolonialism #frenchempire #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #germanempire #germanimperialism #germancolonialism #belgianempire #belgianimperialism #belgiancolonialism #italianempire #italianimperialism #italiancolonialism #genocide #spain #portugal #britain #greatbritain #unitedkingdom #españa #thenetherlands #netherlands #nederland #holland #france #germany #deutschland #belgium #belgië #belgique #belgien #italy #italia #empire #empires #whitesupremacy
Black Rebellion In Barbados: The Struggle Against Slavery, 1627-1838 by Hilary Beckles
#Barbados, #Bajan, #slavery, #blackchattelslavery, #slaverebellions, #slaveuprisings, #slaverevolts, #revolt, #rebellion, #britishimperialism, #britishcolonialism, #Caribbean, #Caribbeanhistory, #abolition, #frontiersocieties, #creolization, #creole, #whitesupremacy, #antiblackness, #britishempire, #slavetrade, #laborhistory, #counterinsurgency
"This year (1984) marks the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the formal abolition of slavery in the English-speaking Caribbean and this work is intended to commemorate the occasion.
#barbados #Bajan #slavery #blackchattelslavery #slaverebellions #slaveuprisings #slaverevolts #revolt #rebellion #britishimperialism #britishcolonialism #caribbean #Caribbeanhistory #abolition #frontiersocieties #creolization #creole #whitesupremacy #antiblackness #britishempire #slavetrade #laborhistory #counterinsurgency
Walter Rodney, un historien engagé (1942-1980) by Amzat Boukari-Yabara
#WalterRodney, #Guyana, #Guyanesehistory, #PanAfricanism, #Guyane, #Panafricanisme, #biography, #biographies, #Africanhistory, #Tanzania, #Caribbean, #revolutionaries, #marxism, #marxists, #marxisme, #biographie, #historians, #histoireAfricaine, #historiens, #colonialism, #neocolonialism, #néocolonialisme, #britishcolonialism, #anticolonialism, #anticolonialisme, #Tanzanie, #Caraïbe, #Caraïbes, #Caribbeanhistory, #histoiredesCaraïbes
Ce livre analyse la vie et l’œuvre de l’historien et homme politique de Guyana, Walter Rodney (1942-1980), ses années de formation, ses influences, son idéologie, et son action politique.
Alors que Rodney a fait l’objet d’une demi-douzaine de monographies en anglais, cet ouvrage est le premier travail en français consacré à cet historien anglophone. Il s’adresse autant à un public universitaire travaillant sur les mondes africains qu’à un public « militant » engagé sur les questions de développement et de luttes sociales.
#WalterRodney #guyana #Guyanesehistory #panafricanism #guyane #Panafricanisme #biography #biographies #Africanhistory #tanzania #caribbean #revolutionaries #marxism #marxists #marxisme #biographie #historians #histoireAfricaine #historiens #colonialism #neocolonialism #néocolonialisme #britishcolonialism #anticolonialism #anticolonialisme #Tanzanie #Caraïbe #Caraïbes #Caribbeanhistory #histoiredesCaraïbes
Essays on Power and Change in Jamaica by Carl Stone; Aggrey Brown; Peter Phillips; Stanley Reid; Don Robotham; Rupert Lewis; Claremont Kirton; Ralph Gonsalves; Donald J. Harris
#Jamaica, #Caribbean, #history, #economics, #socialsciences, #imperialism, #britishcolonialism, #unions, #tradeunionism, #bauxite, #agriculture, #neocolonialism, #massmedia, #nationalism, #Blacknationalism, #antiblackness
Jamaica Publishing House
#jamaica #caribbean #history #economics #socialsciences #imperialism #britishcolonialism #unions #tradeunionism #bauxite #agriculture #neocolonialism #massmedia #nationalism #Blacknationalism #antiblackness
The Military and Politics in Nkrumah's Ghana by Simon Baynham
#Ghana, #military, #coups, #militarycoups, #britishcolonialism, #britishimperialism, #Africanization, #stateformation, #whitesupremacy, #antiblackness, #neocolonialism, #WestAfrica, #coupdetat, #golpedelestado
“The book is based on documents from the Ministry of Defence and other departments in Ghana and on interviews with 96 Ghanaian and British army officers, civil servants, and politicians.”
#ghana #military #coups #militarycoups #britishcolonialism #britishimperialism #Africanization #stateformation #whitesupremacy #antiblackness #neocolonialism #WestAfrica #coupdetat #golpedelestado
The Police in Modern Nigeria, 1861-1965: Origins, Development, and Role by Tekena N. Tamuno
#police, #policing, #colonialism, #Nigeria, #britishcolonialism, #history, #neocolonialism, #imperialism, #britishimperialism
Published by Ibadan University Press; includes photos, appendices of data and charts
#police #policing #colonialism #nigeria #britishcolonialism #history #neocolonialism #imperialism #britishimperialism