#GenreOfTheWeek #BritishFolkRevival
What a great song!
Here's a wonderful live version of same song...
#FairportConvention - "Cell Song"
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #fairportconvention
#GenreOfTheWeek #BritishFolkRevival
Albion Band
Generally considered one of the most important groupings in the genre, it has contained or been associated with a large proportion of major English folk performers in its long and fluid history.
The one constant in the band's history has been the band leader Ashley Hutchings.
He was also a founding member of two other English folk rock groupings Fairport Convention and Steeleye Span
#AlbionBand - "The Postman's Knock"
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #albionband
#GenreOfTheWeek #BritishFolkRevival
Albion Band
Generally considered one of the most important groupings in the genre, it has contained or been associated with a large proportion of major English folk performers in its long and fluid history.
The one constant in the band's history has been the band leader Ashley Hutchings.
He was also a founding member of two other English folk rock groupings Fairport Convention and Steeleye Span
#AlbionBand - "The Postman's Knock"
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #albionband
#GenreOfTheWeek #BritishFolkRevival
Albion Band
Generally considered one of the most important groupings in the genre, it has contained or been associated with a large proportion of major English folk performers in its long and fluid history.
The one constant in the band's history has been the band leader Ashley Hutchings.
He was also a founding member of two other English folk rock groupings Fairport Convention and Steeleye Span
#AlbionBand - "The Postman's Knock"
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #albionband
#GenreOfTheWeek #BritishFolkRevival
Albion Band
Generally considered one of the most important groupings in the genre, it has contained or been associated with a large proportion of major English folk performers in its long and fluid history.
The one constant in the band's history has been the band leader Ashley Hutchings.
He was also a founding member of two other English folk rock groupings Fairport Convention and Steeleye Span
#AlbionBand - "The Postman's Knock"
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #albionband
#BritishFolkRevival incorporates a number of movements. The 1st included increased interest in & study of #TraditionalFolkMusic, the 2nd was a part of the birth of #ContemporaryFolkMusic.
These had a profound impact on the development of British classical music & in the creation of a national or pastoral school & led to creation of sub-culture of #FolkClubs & #FolkFestivals & influential subgenres including #ProgressiveFolkMusic & #BritishFolkRock.
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #traditionalfolkmusic #contemporaryfolkmusic #folkclubs #folkfestivals #progressivefolkmusic #britishfolkrock
First #BritishFolkRevival 1890–1920
Among the most influential of the revival's earliest figures were the Harvard professor #FrancisJamesChild, #SabineBaringGould, #FrankKidson, #LucyBroadwood, and #AnneGilchrist.
Of these, Child's eight-volume collection The English & Scottish Popular Ballads (1882–92) has been the most influential on defining the repertoire of subsequent performers.
You’ll want to dance a jig to #9 in the playlist
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #francisjameschild #sabinebaringgould #frankkidson #lucybroadwood #annegilchrist
Second #BritishFolkRevival 1945–69
Folk-song collecting continued after World War I.
Several individuals emerged in England who had learnt the old songs in the #OralTradition from their communities and therefore preserved the authentic versions. These individuals, such as #SamLarner, #HarryCox, #FredJordan, #WalterPardon, and #FrankHinchliffe, released albums of their own and were revered by #FolkRevivalists.
Here's one from Frank Hinchliffe
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #oraltradition #samlarner #harrycox #fredjordan #walterpardon #frankhinchliffe #folkrevivalists
Second #BritishFolkRevival included #BritishFolkRock
British folk rock developed in Britain during the mid- to late 1960s by the bands #FairportConvention and #Pentangle, #FiveHandReel, #SteeleyeSpan and the #AlbionBand, which built on elements of #AmericanFolkRock.
Tell me if you hear the variation on a computer game theme in the intro to this #FairportConvention song "If I Had a Ribbon Bow"…
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #britishfolkrock #fairportconvention #pentangle #fivehandreel #steeleyespan #albionband #americanfolkrock
Well there it is...
The next #GenreOfTheWeek is #BritishFolkRevival
There is still Sunday overlap day with #TripHop too!
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #triphop