Thursday afternoon listening… #BritishSeaPower #SeaPower #DoYouLikeRockMusic?
#britishseapower #seapower #doyoulikerockmusic
Another wintry classic, and it comes with a zoetrope for the bonus picture disc (how’s that for trying?)
For all that the 00s get flack for “landfill indie” in the UK, BSP made some wonderfully enduring albums, this one most of all. RIYL Echo and the Bunnymen.
#BritishSeaPower #vinyl #record #NowPlaying
#britishseapower #vinyl #record #nowplaying
Another wintry classic, and it comes with a zoetrope for the bonus picture disc (how’s that for trying?)
For all that the 00s get flack for “landfill indie” in the UK, BSP made some wonderfully enduring albums, this one most of all. RIYL Echo and the Bunnymen.
#BritishSeaPower #vinyl #record #NowPlaying
#britishseapower #vinyl #record #nowplaying
#Wildhoney #DJShadow #ExCops #JagwarMa #JimiGoodwin #PJHarvey #TheBlackRyder #TheWalkmen #TheWeddingPresent #AhKosmos #IceChoir #Iceage #LordHuron #TheBlankTapes #TheMilkCartonKids #MilkCartonKids #TimBuckley #HidekiSakomizu #TheMonochromeSet #Balthazar #Pavement #TheAutumns #LindaPerhacs #JesusAndMaryChain #JAMC #Múm #Mum #CateLeBon #NeonIndian #UlrichSchnauss #BetaBand #Wire #PinkFloyd #KikagakuMoyo #NickDrake #Squarepusher #BritishSeaPower #Modeselektor
#wildhoney #DJShadow #excops #jagwarma #jimigoodwin #PJHarvey #theblackryder #thewalkmen #theweddingpresent #ahkosmos #icechoir #IceAge #lordhuron #theblanktapes #themilkcartonkids #milkcartonkids #timbuckley #hidekisakomizu #themonochromeset #balthazar #pavement #theautumns #lindaperhacs #JesusAndMaryChain #jamc #mum #catelebon #neonindian #ulrichschnauss #betaband #wire #PinkFloyd #kikagakumoyo #Nickdrake #squarepusher #britishseapower #modeselektor