Rewatching the #sherlockholmes TV Series —Andrew Scott's Moriarty is haunting in the best ways. Incredible acting, delivery, everything.
#sherlock #britishtelevison #sherlockholmes
@Dazed_Bemused absolutely! I have religiously watched the show since the beginning. Unfortunately I'm here in the US so we get the episodes much later. I love that you picked nurse Crane to be your picture. She's turned out to be one of my favorites.
After 10 years I have become so invested in these characters. I'm a big time #anglophile so I'm kind of used to the phenomenon of killing off characters on #britishtelevison lol. But it's still so hard on this show.
Hi everyone. Another Twitter user building a lifeboat on Mastodon. A bit about me: I'm into #drwho #eurovision #theatre #britishtv #britishtelevison #horror #telefantasy - also #nolgbwithoutthet and #transrightsaremensrights (putting that straight out there). Happily married almost-middle-aged gay chap.
#drwho #eurovision #theatre #britishtv #britishtelevison #horror #telefantasy #nolgbwithoutthet #transrightsaremensrights