Another month, another announcement of an #automotive #battery plant, this time in #Bridgewater, Somerset, to be built by #Tata for Jaguar Land Rover #electriccars.
There's the promise of a big chunk of #taxpayers support, and these is also a by-election there tomorrow (which is why the news has surfaced today, no doubt).
The Q. is will Tata make a better of job of getting this off the blocks than #Britishvolt did?
(Meanwhile the #Tories are also offering Tata Steel cash elsewhere....)
#automotive #battery #bridgewater #tata #electriccars #taxpayers #britishvolt #tories
Fiffelbolaget Britishvolt
Britishvolt eller som det formellt hette Power by Britishvolt Limited startades 2019 av Lars Carlström. Det uttalade syftet var att bygga en batterifabrik i Blyth, Northumberland i England. Fabriken skulle kosta motsvarande 49 miljarder svenska kronor.
#Brott #Ekonomi #Energi #Bedrägeri #Britishvolt #Investeringsbedrägeri #Jool #Konkurs #Penningtvätt #PowerbyBritishvoltLimited #Saab
#saab #powerbybritishvoltlimited #penningtvatt #konkurs #jool #investeringsbedrageri #britishvolt #bedrageri #energi #ekonomi #brott
The strategic positioning of countries with an eye on the future expansion of #electricvehicles continues:
#Indonesia (with the largest #Nickel reserves in the world) has banned export of raw nickel with the intent of 'encouraging' the setting up of #battery plants in the country.
Following on from the competition over the supply of #lithium we can see the shape of the global #supplychain for electric vehicles is going to be of some interest to Govt.s;
so perhaps another go for #BritishVolt?
#electricvehicles #indonesia #nickel #battery #lithium #supplychain #britishvolt
How much is a #battery manufacturing plant worth to the UK?
Well, the (new) owners of #BritishVolt are likely to be surprised to find they've undervalued themselves....
Or at least in #Tata's eyes they have: Tata (owner of Jaguar Land Rover) is, according to the FT 'demanding' £500mn (!!) of state aid in various forms, not to locate its new battery plant in Spain....
its almost like Tata saw the £85mn the Govt. had put aside for battery support & thought we should leave a bit on the table!
The shape of #electricvehicles sales... and the (global) context for #BritishVolt's 'rescue';
Sales (globally) are certainly going up but how long before this rise hit the problems of a lagging #infrastructure for #charging?
Certainly in the UK e-car owners are already have #rangeanxiety & unreliable provision of (fast) chargers.
At present, over half of all pubic charging points are in China (which maps onto sales), but Europe lags.... and the Uk, well of course, our provision is 'uneven'!
#electricvehicles #britishvolt #infrastructure #charging #rangeanxiety
#BritishVolt redux?
An Australian firm (with, one might presume, good access to Australian #lithium) has bought British Volt out of administration - that's the good news...
The bad news is that the buyer is essentially a start-up (a special purpose firm) yet to have constructed a plant or brought a major project to fruition... so lots of big promises, but looks like we may just be in for more farming of Govt. support?
British Volt cynics will definitely think the latter!
It’s so nice to see that #borisjohnson #jacobreesmogg and his gang are are helping us to finally take back control. #Britishvolt bought by #Australian firm Recharge Industries #Brexit #brexitreality
#borisjohnson #jacobreesmogg #britishvolt #australian #Brexit #brexitreality
How do the parasites from #financialservices profit from others' work?
You will be aware that #BritishVolt has gone into administration (as a buyer is sought).
So, after two years of taking £500k per month for putting in place a #business advice team, #Ernst&Young have now had themselves appointed as administrators (earning themselves further fees)
This also ensures that for any outstanding fees they are a priority creditor (as administrator).
a clear conflict of interest!
#financialservices #britishvolt #business #ernst
Why does there seem to be some difficulty in the development of a 'mature' #battery sector?... there may be particular reasons for the difficulties faced by #BritishVolt & others but Robin Harding (FT) suggests some structural economic issues under recognised by #investors & #entrepreneurs:
scarce inputs
large scale capital requirement
It business-to-business with no real brand element
the analogue is the #chemestry sector not #manufacturing, hence the miss-steps if this isn't appreciated!
#battery #britishvolt #investors #entrepreneurs #chemestry #manufacturing
Whatever went on at #BritishVolt, the UK's lack of projected #battery capacity says something about our continuing failure to organise in sectors that involve anything other than opportunities for #rentiers (some would argue BritishVolt's problems stem from its existence as a farm for taxpayer support)... we need to invest in the future not in our elites' pleasures & profits
#britishvolt #battery #rentiers #electriccar #greentransport #GreenEnergy
ANOTHER NICE MESS! Laurel and Hardy 'level up' at Here's this weekend's cartoon...
#laurelandhardy #Britishvolt #LevellingUpFund #RishiSunak #BorisJohnson
#laurelandhardy #britishvolt #levellingupfund #RishiSunak #borisjohnson
Collapse of #Britishvolt a “sad reflection” on #Brexit, says William Hague. #BrexitReality #ToryIncompetence #BrexitBrokeBritain
#britishvolt #brexit #brexitreality #ToryIncompetence #BrexitBrokeBritain
Sadly the cynics who thought #BritishVolt the #battery firm was merely a scheme to capture state-aid & other support, and would never produce a battery have been proved correct as it collapses into administration... prefigured by a refusal of a trance of state-aid last year. If the UK's 'dream' of establishing more capacity in #batteries is to be fulfilled its unlikely to be in Northumberland...
#britishvolt #battery #batteries
Can't believe Britain had a real company called #BritishVolt. Objectively hilarious.
#Britishvolt into #administration. We only had one in operation and we lost it. Look at how many in #europe. Ther are no plans for a new construction
Perhaps this is another #benefit of #brexit #brexitbrokebritain #BrexitDisaster
#britishvolt #administration #europe #benefit #Brexit #brexitbrokebritain #brexitdisaster
@mistakenotmy Interesting comments on the 6pm news on BBC1. #BritishVolt may have been destined to fail, given the lack of track record and viable business plan on the part of the firm's leadership. But contrast the approach of Westminster with that of other European governments, which are far more hands-on with new engineering projects. The failure of British Volt is a(nother) crisis of management.
@mistakenotmy There has indeed been hype surrounding #BritishVolt, and as someone who's done PR for technology firms I know how this works. But what this illustrates is the political neglect of Britain's automotive industry, now exacerbated by Brexit.
The government of Brexitania fails to invest in #EV #batteries, leading the loss of hundreds of #GreenTech jobs, but is happy to solicit bids for new #oil and #gas extraction from the North Sea.
#Brexit #batteries #BritishVolt
#ev #batteries #greentech #oil #gas #brexit #britishvolt
Hang on. No factory, not expected to make money for 2 years, 300 employees and a wage bill of 3 million pounds a month? What kind of company is this?