Bonus Photo of the Day 30th January 1993 (May 8, 1993): G-OBWA, British Aircraft Corporation BAC1-11-518FG, British World Airlines, taxiing in at Birmingham International, 8th May 1993.
#Birmingham #BHX #EGBB #BritishAircraftCorporation #BAC111 #BritishWorld
#birmingham #bhx #egbb #britishaircraftcorporation #bac111 #britishworld
Photo of the day 2019-03-21.
G-OBWA, British Aircraft Corporation BAC 1-11-518FG, British World Airlines, on final approach to Manchester Airport, some time after April 1993.
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #potd #manchesterairport #man #egcc #britishaircraftcorp #bac111 #britishworld #photo
#photo #britishworld #bac111 #britishaircraftcorp #egcc #man #manchesterairport #potd #planespotting #aviation #avgeek