3️⃣ Roth (#TonyCurtis) gets more to do than usual in this episode. He even gets to play action hero and rescue Dan. And the rest of the episode follows our hero as he chases the baddies and tries to save some kidnapped showgirls bound for the middle east.
4️⃣ There’s no subtlety here. The villains (#MosesGunn, #CesarRomero) are evil through and through. #BritLind (#HowTheWestWasWon) is the chief damsel in distress, but she does get to blow away one of the baddies.
#TonyCurtis #mosesgunn #cesarromero #britlind #howthewestwaswon
3️⃣ Roth (#TonyCurtis) gets more to do than usual in this episode. He even gets to play action hero and rescue Dan. And the rest of the episode follows our hero as he chases the baddies and tries to save some kidnapped showgirls bound for the middle east.
4️⃣ There’s no subtlety here. The villains (#MosesGunn, #CesarRomero) are evil through and through. #BritLind (#HowTheWestWasWon) is the chief damsel in distress, but she does get to blow away one of the baddies.
#TonyCurtis #mosesgunn #cesarromero #britlind #howthewestwaswon