Também é possível ver um pontinho no céu (a 11 mil pés de altitude barométrica) correspondente ao #BrittenNorman #Islander #ASR181 da #AeroSotravia que assegura a retransmissão de sinais RF (TV e Rádio para a emissão da #JMJ2023Lisboa, e o mais comum e frequente nos céus de #Lisboa #AerospatialeAS355F1Ecureuil2 da #HTAHelicópteros ao serviço da RTP (hoje com o nome de código RTP002 AS55).
#brittennorman #islander #asr181 #aerosotravia #jmj2023lisboa #lisboa #aerospatialeas355f1ecureuil2 #htahelicopteros
Bonus Photo of the Day 18th June 2023.
G-PASV, Britten-Norman BN-2B-21 Islander, Police Aviation Services, at Manchester Barton during the annual air show, some time in the 1990s.
#Manchester #Barton #EGCB
#airshow #BrittenNorman #BN2 #Islander
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #barton #egcb #airshow #brittennorman #bn2 #islander #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander Designed as a simple, rugged air taxi, the Islander has been immensely successful, serving small communities in remote corners of the world. It was also a favourite of parachute/skydiving clubs. Indeed, this example (built in 1977) was utilised in this role in both Germany and Scotland. Donated to the National Museum of Flight at East Fortune, Scotland by Cormack Aircraft Services Ltd, it has been painted to represent an Islander of the Scottish Ambulance Service #aircraft #BrittenNorman #Islander #ScottishAmbulanceService #airambulance #BN2 #aviation #avgeeks #airtaxi #NationalMuseumofFlight #EastFortune #Scotland #skydiving #parachutists #CormackAircraftServices
#aircraft #brittennorman #islander #scottishambulanceservice #airambulance #bn2 #aviation #avgeeks #airtaxi #nationalmuseumofflight #eastfortune #scotland #skydiving #parachutists #cormackaircraftservices
Bonus Photo of the Day 2 11th January 2023: G-BEEG, Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander, Northern Airlines, at Manchester Barton, some time after March 1992.
#Manchester #Barton #EGCB #BrittenNorman #BN2 #Islander #NorthernAirlines
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting
#manchester #barton #egcb #brittennorman #bn2 #islander #northernairlines #avgeek #aviation #planespotting