oh my. I have just discovered #jonathanpie and I can't stop laughing as I burn through his youtube channel and #BBC4's "Call Jonathan Pie".
Here in #Canada we have the always hilarious #brittlestar. Are there any other regular posting irreverant scathing #political #satirists from NA or the UK, Aus, that I should be aware of?
#satirists #political #brittlestar #Canada #bbc4 #jonathanpie
A Common Brittle Star (Ophiothrix fragilis), close relatives of Starfish and Sea urchins. County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com Walking tours
#wildatlanticway #walkingtours #discoverireland #keepdiscovering #marinelife #biodiversity #brittlestar #commonbrittlestar #starfish #Ireland
#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #marinelife #biodiversity #brittlestar #commonbrittlestar #starfish #ireland
The importance of filters.
Right on @brittlestar
#Brittlestar #Canada #Saskatchewan
#saskatchewan #Canada #brittlestar
Canadian Icon. I don’t think I could love Brittlestar more. #Canada #Tech #Threads #Brittlestar https://youtube.com/shorts/3o8u8ApooEE?feature=share
#brittlestar #threads #tech #Canada
The Brittlestar take on Threads™
#Threads #Brittlestar #NewestDumpsterFire #TheBestDumpsterFire
#youshouldgetthatrashcheckedout #thebestdumpsterfire #newestdumpsterfire #brittlestar #threads
Brittlestar thoughts on social media.
#Brittlestar #Canada
Definitely need rainy days…for many reasons this year.
Awesome @brittlestar
#Brittlestar #busylife #summer #Canada
#Canada #summer #busylife #brittlestar
The Monarchy
#Satire #Brittlestar
Confidence tricks.
#brittlestar #canada #saskatchewan
#saskatchewan #Canada #brittlestar
Truths and laughs.
#brittlestar #canada
Canada's healthcare system was working but needed improvement,
so up stepped the corporate monsters to destroy it at the expense of the citizens. Wonder where that idea came from?
#BrittleStar sometimes called serpent star - #fascinating #SeaCreature that's closely related to #starfish & the first emergence known goes back approximately 500 million years.
#ophiuroids #echinoderm #ShawOceanDiscoveryCentre #SidneyBC #VictoriaBC #yyj #SalishSea #MarineLife #UnderTheSea #Wsanec #MarineBiology #SeaLife #LifeAquatic #OceanLife #LearningCentre #aquarium #Science
#brittlestar #fascinating #seacreature #starfish #ophiuroids #echinoderm #shawoceandiscoverycentre #sidneybc #victoriabc #yyj #SalishSea #marinelife #underthesea #wsanec #marinebiology #sealife #lifeaquatic #oceanlife #learningcentre #aquarium #science
A common brittlestar (Ophiothrix fragile). Unlike starfish, a brittlestar’s arms don’t have organs in them, and are primarily used for locomotion. To be a total hypocrite, I wouldn’t recommend handling brittlestars as their arms break very easily. These were held briefly for identification and a video for my records and then gently placed back.
#marinebiology #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #rockpools #rockpooling #brittlestar
#marinebiology #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #rockpools #rockpooling #brittlestar