#December 11, 1843
#OTD Jacob #Schneck, Indiana #Physician, #Naturalist, & #Botanist, is born.
Jacob's passion was #Plants & he spent his #SpareTime #Botanizing. He labeled all his #Specimens with his #Impeccable #Handwriting.
He #Spied a unique #Species of #RedOak & told the Botanist Nathaniel Lord #Britton. Britton named the oak in Jacob's honor - Quercus Schneckii, also known as the Schneck #Oak.
Jacob died at 63, tending his patients to the end - despite his own #Pneumonia.
#December #otd #schneck #Physician #naturalist #botanist #plants #sparetime #botanizing #specimens #impeccable #handwriting #spied #species #redoak #britton #oak #pneumonia #botany