@neurothing asks for 5 songs because it is #ThursdayFiveList time. This week: #TheShadows
Here's a wild mix of genres for you:
🎸 #BRMC - Shadow's Keeper
🌻 #TheCoral - Shadows Fall
🎩 #Slash feat. #MylesKennedy & #TheConspirators - Shadow Life
🚬 #AdamGreen - Cast A Shadow
🤘 #IronMaiden - Out Of The Shadows
#ironmaiden #AdamGreen #theconspirators #myleskennedy #slash #thecoral #brmc #theshadows #thursdayfivelist
Deine blauen Augen machen mich so sentimental...und damit schummel ich einfach ein sechstes Lied in die #ThursdayFiveList 😝
Aber hier nun die offizielle Liste zum Thema #TheEyes :
#BRMC - Red Eyes and Tears
#BlindGuardian - Bright Eyes
#NickCaveAndTheBadSeeds - Wide Lovely Eyes
#Ghost - See the Light
#ScreamingTrees - Look at you
#screamingtrees #ghost #NickCaveandtheBadSeeds #blindguardian #brmc #theeyes #thursdayfivelist
Guten Morgen zusammen ☕🍵 Die Masterarbeit ist mittlerweile auf 40 Seiten (von mindestens 60) angewachsen, und ich habe immer noch knapp 2 Monate Zeit. So darf es gerne weitergehen.
Und zur Feier des Tages: Musik! Heute von den großartigen #BlackRebelMotorcycleClub , die ich dank der Serie "Misfits" entdeckt habe (tolle Serie, aber nur bis zur 3. Staffel). Ich habe die Folge damals direkt gestoppt und erstmal das komplette Album durchgehört.
#BRMC - Love burns
#brmc #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
Chanson du jour 🎶 BLACK REBEL MOTORCYCLE CLUB - Spread Your Love
#ChansonDuJour #SongOfTheDay #Music #brmc #pouetradio
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Stop.
I want to tag it 90s music, but it's 2003 already.
#blackrebelmotorcycleclub #brmc
Well, time for bed.
Have a good start to the new week.
Dare to hope again, dare to smile again, dare to fall in love again!
After all, what else is there to do?
#music #brmc #live #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
I keep searching, but am still not seeing any hashtags for one of my all-time favourite bands – #BlackRebelMotorcycleClub / #BRMC – so I think I need to show some #mstdn love and appreciation! Hoping for some new #music from them in the new year…
#MastodonMusic #beatthedevilstattoo #Music #Mstdn #brmc #blackrebelmotorcycleclub
@Antonnewcombe #BRMC aren't in #TheMorningLine today (I'm shuffling a 35k playlist) but some days they are. Best song #JacksonBrowne ever wrote, by the way.
#jacksonbrowne #TheMorningLine #brmc
#ScottWalker #VinylWilliams #ConnanMockasin #TheCharlatans #CharlatansUK #TheChurch #FieldMusic #Pond #TheGrowlers #Growlers #CDuncan #JoannaGruesome #ModestMouse #Temples #KurtVile #PrimalScream #IOEcho #Mansun #Clinic #PhilipSelway #SimpleMinds #Spiritualized #TheByrds #Byrds #Chairlift #JDilla #JoannaNewsom #MeineMeinung #TheVelvetUnderground #VelvetUnderground #AndrewBird #FairportConvention #AnimalCollective #BlackRebelMotorcycleClub #BRMC #NewOrder
#scottwalker #vinylwilliams #connanmockasin #TheCharlatans #charlatansuk #thechurch #fieldmusic #pond #thegrowlers #growlers #cduncan #joannagruesome #modestmouse #temples #KurtVile #primalscream #ioecho #mansun #clinic #philipselway #simpleminds #spiritualized #thebyrds #Byrds #chairlift #jdilla #joannanewsom #meinemeinung #thevelvetunderground #velvetunderground #andrewbird #fairportconvention #animalcollective #blackrebelmotorcycleclub #brmc #neworder