The cool thing about my job is that if you solve a unique technical problem, you also get to write up the documentation on how to fix it if it happens again!
This is, coincidentally, one of the hardest parts of my job.
#broadcastengineer #broadcasting #Tech #television
Where are all the #BroadcastEngineering teams on Mastodon?
#broadcastengineering #broadcastengineer #tvengineering #broadcast #sportsvideogroup #makinmovingpictures #smpte
Time for a new #introduction because why not?
My name is Drew, he/him/his, and I live in the Cincinnati area. I'm a #BroadcastEngineer which I like to joke is (#AmateurRadio turned pro). I frequently talk about that and actively seek to tell people about career opportunities in broadcasting, mainly in #radio. Pretty much a huge #nerd here.
I also like #StormChasing and bad #weather, but I haven't chased in a while. I am a season ticket holder for the local #hockey team.
Drop by and say hi!
#hockey #Weather #stormchasing #nerd #Radio #AmateurRadio #broadcastengineer #Introduction
Dw i'n dysgu #Cymraeg.
It's mainly going to be dog pictures, isn't it? ;-)
#broadcastengineer #vegan #narrowgauge #retrofit #green #renewableenergy #accordion #musician #utilitycycling #cycling #activetravel #cymraeg #introduction