The #Broadcastify feed from #Landsing is mad. None stop chaos throughout the campus all sorts of people sheltering in place. Shots fired here there and everywhere seems like
#MichiganStateUniversity Greater Lansing Area Public Safety streaming live on #Broadcastify for the #ActiveShooter event here. ~ https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/34012 ~ #Shooting #MSU
#msu #shooting #activeshooter #broadcastify #michiganstateuniversity
#MichiganStateUniversity Greater Lansing Area Public Safety streaming live on #Broadcastify for the #ActiveShooter event here. ~ https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/34012 ~ #Shooting #MSU
#msu #shooting #activeshooter #broadcastify #michiganstateuniversity
@KE0FFT Anyone can listen - ham radio licensee or not - at this link. It seems that the link titled “Alaska Morning Net” is actually just dead air at the moment - so the #DODROPINconference link on #Broadcastify will get you there for now. ~ https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/35906
#broadcastify #dodropinconference
@geekaren #Broadcastify #Encryption
i found this old posting
saying "This scanner feed will go away soon, when EBRCS/Oakland PD enable full encryption of their radio transmissions"
And it turns out to be old news:
Listening to #broadcastify and staying inside. This #storm is getting real, real fast. Be safe!
There is an annual #HolidayTrain that runs through Michigan on its way from Canada to its next stop in Chicago.
There's a live feed of Detroit area railroad radio frequencies on #Broadcastify at
which you can use to track progress.
The Freep on the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train:
"one of the most prominent places to gather and watch the train pass by in southeast Michigan has been a vacant lot next to Thunderbowl Lanes in Allen Park"