My #Broadlink RM4C Pro seems to have a bug that leads to it screaming its little head off after making an RF transmission. Looking at the plot from the #FlipperZero sub-Ghz spectrum, it just fills the airways with garbage after sending the signal (controlled using python-broadlink, both from my Laptop and directly from within #HomeAssistant).
Not sure if I should be annoyed about the bug in Broadlink, or happy that my Flipper Zero allowed me to find out what was going on and why other remotes stopped working after I did something with the broadlink.
Anyway. Anyone here who had this problem before and knows how to resolve it?
#broadlink #FlipperZero #homeassistant
BroadLink RM4 Mini fa diventare smart il tuo condizionatore, a 24€ #broadlink #mini #diventare #smart #condizionatore #26maggio
#26maggio #condizionatore #smart #diventare #mini #broadlink