SO fur youse what cannae unnerstan whey I type an speak strangely, this cud be of a wee heilp. This is what we speak back home even tho mah gran forbade Shetlandic and Teuchter at oor hoose. Fur reference, ahm frae Wick in Caithness Scotland. Hae fun ye ken. #Scots #BroadScots #ShetlandicDialect. #ITalkFunny
#italkfunny #shetlandicdialect #broadscots #scots
Ye seen wut I type like, this is SORTA wut I soond like. #Scots #BroadScots
@j_kloiber And this is why I and others frae my part of Scotland still speak and write in Broad Scots. #Scots #BroadScots #ScotsLanguage #NaeADialectYeweeNumpty
#scots #broadscots #scotslanguage #naeadialectyeweenumpty