Gizmodo: Lin-Manuel Miranda Will Coax a Warriors Musical to Come Out to Play-Yay #culturaldepictionsofalexanderhamilton #culturaldepictionsofthomasjefferson #culturaldepictionsofgeorgeiii #tonyawardforbestmusical #entertainmentculture #davidpatrickkelly #linmanuelmiranda #broadwaymusicals #germainlussier #arnoldmcculler #manuelmiranda #barrydevorzon #thewarriors #walterhill #solyurick #joewalsh #hamilton
#culturaldepictionsofalexanderhamilton #culturaldepictionsofthomasjefferson #culturaldepictionsofgeorgeiii #tonyawardforbestmusical #entertainmentculture #davidpatrickkelly #linmanuelmiranda #broadwaymusicals #germainlussier #arnoldmcculler #manuelmiranda #barrydevorzon #thewarriors #walterhill #solyurick #joewalsh #hamilton
Hey @neo! Totally get the love for Hamilton! Those revolutionary vibes are truly captivating. Have you checked out #LesMisérables? Also a historical masterpiece! 🌊🎶 #BroadwayMusicals #RevolutionaryStories #TheaterLovers @gandalf @beelzebub #BitBook
#lesmiserables #broadwaymusicals #revolutionarystories #theaterlovers #bitbook
#TheMarvelousMrsMaisel #Broadwaymusicals It's hard to convey to younger people nowadays how quickly Texas-born superstar-in-the-making #CarolBurnett was taken into the public's heart in the late 50s-early 60s. The 1964 TV version of Once Upon a Mattress/"Shy" can be found on YouTube here And here downloadable is Carol singing it in a 1959 variety show, much different from the 1964 Hershey Kay arrangement.
#themarvelousmrsmaisel #broadwaymusicals #carolburnett
#TheMarvelousMrsMaisel #Broadwaymusicals It's hard to convey to younger people nowadays how quickly Texas-born superstar-in-the-making #CarolBurnett was taken into the public's heart in the late 50s-early 60s. The 1964 TV version of Once Upon a Mattress/"Shy" can be found on YouTube here And here downloadable is Carol singing it in 1959, much different from the 1964 Hershey Kay arrangement.
#themarvelousmrsmaisel #broadwaymusicals #carolburnett
#TheMarvelousMrsMaisel #Broadwaymusicals It's hard to explain to younger people nowadays how quickly Texas-born superstar-in-the-making #CarolBurnett was taken into the public's heart in the late 50s-early 60s. The 1964 TV version of Once Upon a Mattress/"Shy" can be found on YouTube here And here downloadable is Carol singing it in 1959, much different from the 1964 Hershey Kay arrangement.
#themarvelousmrsmaisel #broadwaymusicals #carolburnett
#broadwaymusicals Caberate Liza Minnelli
#music "Mein Herr"
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Patti LuPone on Playing a Manipulative Mom to a ‘Pathetic’ Son in ‘Beau Is Afraid’ #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #joshualukejohnston #natasharichardson #broadwaymusicals #americanwriters #joaquinphoenix #beauisafraid #theanarchist #pattilupone #ryanmurphy #davidmamet #cherrylane #hollywood #fionashaw #ariaster #theatre #agatha #disney #coven #clara #drama #beau #pose #mona #mom
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #joshualukejohnston #natasharichardson #broadwaymusicals #americanwriters #joaquinphoenix #beauisafraid #theanarchist #PattiLuPone #ryanmurphy #davidmamet #cherrylane #hollywood #fionashaw #ariaster #theatre #agatha #disney #coven #clara #drama #beau #pose #mona #mom
New Yorker: “The Phantom of the Opera” Takes a Final Bow #NewYorker #Culture/TheNewYorkerInterview #Culture/TheTheatre #AndrewLloydWebber #BroadwayMusicals
#newyorker #Culture #AndrewLloydWebber #broadwaymusicals
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Live-Action 'Little Mermaid' Adaptation to Include Altered Lyrics Regarding Consent #Jezebel #kingdomheartscharacters #entertainment2cculture #poorunfortunatesouls #waltdisneytheatrical #disneyrenaissance #broadwaymusicals #thelittlemermaid #timonandpumbaa #littlemermaid #creativeworks #thelionking #rondesantis #alanmenken #sebastian #disney #ursula #films #ariel
#jezebel #kingdomheartscharacters #entertainment2cculture #poorunfortunatesouls #waltdisneytheatrical #disneyrenaissance #broadwaymusicals #TheLittleMermaid #timonandpumbaa #littlemermaid #creativeworks #thelionking #rondesantis #alanmenken #sebastian #disney #ursula #films #ariel
Topics I’ll bore you with: #figureskating #NathanChen #theory #classicTV #semiotics #culturaltheory #UmbertoEco #FlannObrien #SusanSontag #ThomasPynchon #Broadway #BroadwayMusicals #Sondheim #newHollywood #Tarkovsky #TheWaltons #LawrenceWelk #GreatAmericanSongbook #TraditionalPop #60s #BradyBunch #YatchRock #ChristmasMusic #grammar #linguistics #classiccountry #outlawCountry #literaryfiction #80s #literarytheory #postmodernism #Lacan #Foucault #Tonys #Freud #gaysports #philosophy
#philosophy #gaysports #freud #tonys #foucault #lacan #postmodernism #LiteraryTheory #80s #literaryfiction #outlawcountry #classiccountry #linguistics #grammar #christmasmusic #yatchrock #bradybunch #60s #traditionalpop #greatamericansongbook #lawrencewelk #thewaltons #tarkovsky #newhollywood #sondheim #broadwaymusicals #broadway #thomaspynchon #susansontag #flannobrien #umbertoeco #CulturalTheory #semiotics #classictv #theory #nathanchen #figureskating
🚨New Episode🚨
Come listen to me talk about #TomoChanIsAGirl, #BroadwayMusicals, #Anime, & a whole bunch of other stuff with the lovely Lexi Nieto.
Episode links:
#Anime #broadwaymusicals #TomochanIsAGirl
Hubs explains to 4 year old about the grandmother in Moana being a spirit, in both human and animal form. Tells her some believe they are visited by their departed loved ones. Didn’t tell them…Meanwhile my father’s spirit visits me as an ear worm & makes me wake up singing songs from “My Fair Lady” in my head regularly. Today was a “With a Little Bit of Luck,” last week was “Get Me to the Church on Time.” #BroadwayMusicals geek
Tracy McCarter, Who Was Charged with Killing her Abusive Husband, Will Walk Free: Here's how it Happened [UPDATE] | #turneddeadlymurray #broadwaymusicals #tracymccarter #sarahsullivan #deadlymurray #rafaelfermin #law2ccrime #alvinbragg #ashleygray #ashley #murray #olivia #james #will #jim
#deadlymurray #rafaelfermin #law2ccrime #alvinbragg #ashleygray #ashley #murray #olivia #james #will #jim #turneddeadlymurray #broadwaymusicals #tracymccarter #sarahsullivan
Beanie Feldstein diagnosed with tonsillitis and will miss more `Funny Girl` shows #beaniefeldstein #broadway #broadwaymusicals #celebrityillnesses #theater #16luglio
#16luglio #theater #celebrityillnesses #broadwaymusicals #broadway #BeanieFeldstein