Thinking about Lucius Fox and Carmine Falcone from Batman: The Animated Series flirting with each other is giving us some of the feels! #Batman #BatmanTheAnimatedSeries #BTAS #LuciusFox #BrockPeters #CarmineFalcone #WalterOlkewicz
#batman #BatmanTheAnimatedSeries #btas #luciusfox #brockpeters #carminefalcone #walterolkewicz
58 years ago:
The Pawnbroker (US)
A Jewish pawnbroker, a victim of Nazi persecution, loses all faith in his fellow man until he realizes too late the tragedy of his actions.
#ThePawnbroker #SidneyLumet #RodSteiger #GeraldineFitzgerald #BrockPeters #AmericanInternationalPictures #AIP #Movies
#thepawnbroker #sidneylumet #rodsteiger #geraldinefitzgerald #brockpeters #americaninternationalpictures #aip #movies
In the year two thousand-twenty two......
#SoylentGreen #HarryHarrison #EdwardGRobinson #CharltonHeston #LeighTaylorYoung #ChuckConnors as Fielding
#BrockPeters #JosephCotten #WhitBissell #RichardFleischer #scifi #ScienceFiction #Movies #cinema #dystopian
#soylentgreen #harryharrison #edwardgrobinson #CharltonHeston #leightayloryoung #chuckconnors #brockpeters #josephcotten #whitbissell #richardfleischer #scifi #sciencefiction #movies #cinema #dystopian