Last night was the opening of my Ladies, Bros & Clothes exhibition at the Dahl in Rapid City. A million thanks to my favorite model/art transporter/documentarian/best friend/photographer/husband! @acpackard
[Description: An artist peeks into the lower left corner of the horizontal picture plane to snap a bad selfie with her favorite model, who is standing in profile in front of a horizontal oil painting of himself as a brodalisque.]
My next solo exhibition is called Ladies, Bros & Clothes. Join me at the opening on Friday, September 1st at the Dahl Arts Center in Rapid City, SD.
#art #brodalisque #missartworldsouthdakota
I’ve been spending a lot of time #painting this #DangerMouse shirt lately. What’s your favorite cartoon?
[Description: A gloved right hand holding a paintbrush adds a wee bit o’ oil paint to a composition of a reclining dude with blue hair wearing a Danger Mouse t-shirt.]
#brodalisque #dangermouse #painting
If you could visit any artist’s #studio, who would you like see?
Photo by Stephen Edward Kennedy.
[Description: Inside a small studio full of #brodalisque paintings on white walls, an artist in a green apron sits behind a palette to mix oil paints.]
Photographer Stephen Edward Kennedy certainly made me look dramatic as I worked on this #brodalisque my studio. This photo is part of his Cross Country Camera #documentary series.
[Description: A profile view of an artist, who is applying paint with a minuscule paintbrush to an epic dude on a massive canvas.]
I keep making incremental progress on this #painting. What are you #working on this week? #brodalisque
[Description: A monochromatic photo of an artist gesturing with an outstretched left arm toward a large in-process painting of a brodalisque reclining in a man cave.]
#brodalisque #working #painting
Can you tell I was mixing skin tones? #brodalisque
[Description: A rectangular #palette hosts a myriad of small splotches of beige and brown-ish oil paints, which were used to paint the face and arms in the #painting of the relaxing dude in the background.]
#painting #palette #brodalisque
I dropped off a #painting at the #Bemis for the upcoming Benefit Auction! Stay tuned for more details: Same Klaire-time, same Klaire-channel! #brodalisque
[Description: A closeup selfie of a behatted artist trying to look cool despite the summer sun while standing in front of a brick building that bears a vertical sign bearing the text, “Bemis Center.”]
Dude! I think I need a larger #paintbrush!
[Description: An exhausted #artist in a green apron pauses from the Sisyphean task of painting an almost life-sized #brodalisque with a comically tiny paintbrush.]
#brodalisque #artist #paintbrush
This is officially the longest I have ever worked on a #painting. What types of #encouragement do you need when you’re working on a challenging task?
[Description: An artist wearing a Ninja Turtles t-shirt points over her left shoulder to a partially completed oil painting of a luscious #brodalisque.]
#brodalisque #encouragement #painting
What’s your favorite #snack food? Did you see it in my painting?
Klaire A. Lockheart, Two Brodalisques. 2023. Oil on Canvas. 32x48”. #brodalisque
[Description: A figure #painting that shows two men sporting #superhero pajamas as they lounge in a draped room amongst a stockpile of junk food.]
#superhero #painting #brodalisque #snack
Happy anniversary! I began this 6’ wide #brodalisque painting last June. Tell me about a longterm #project you’re working on.
[Description: An artist, sporting the stereotypical all-black ensemble, attempts not to have an existential breakdown in front of a large partially completed oil #painting of a lounging dude.]
#painting #project #brodalisque
I’m incredibly lucky to know an amazing #artist who can photograph my shiny paintings! #brodalisque
[Description: A handsome #photographer adjusts an elaborate setup that baffles the average luddite painter in order to photograph a glossy brodalisque oil painting.]
#photographer #brodalisque #artist
What’s your favorite #scifi book or movie?
Klaire A. Lockheart, Old Fashioned Man Cave. 2023. Oil on Canvas. 24x40”.
[Description: An oil #painting features a horizontal #brodalisque, wearing a rubber ducky shirt, propped up on his elbows in a man cave filled with sci-fi decor and junk food.]
One day, I’ll finish this big #brodalisque painting, but today isn’t looking good. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either…
[Description: An #artist, sporting a green apron and wielding a paintbrush, stands in front of a 6’ canvas as they apply paint to the elbow of an almost life-sized figure painting of a relaxing bro; the painter is flanked by a palette on a stand to the right, and there are two additional paintings hanging on the wall.]
Happy Friday! What are your #weekend plans? #brodalisque
[Description: The gloved right hand of an artist uses a tiny #paintbrush to add the minuscule details that no one will ever notice to an oil painting that includes a box of Miller Lite and a case of Bud Light.]
#paintbrush #brodalisque #weekend
My next #exhibition will be at the Dahl! Ladies, Bros, & Clothes opens September 1st, so let me know if you’re in the Rapid City, South Dakota area. #brodalisque
[Description: A screen capture features an oil painting of a lounging model wearing #plaid underpants and clutching and #atari joystick within a man cave, below the image text states, “Ladies, Bros & Clothes.”]
#atari #plaid #brodalisque #exhibition
To include my sense of humor in my #paintings, I invented the #brodalisque, which is a character that combines a “bro” with an “odalisque.”
Klaire A. Lockheart, Bro Desnudo. 2023. Oil on Canvas. 20x30”.
[Description: A painting depicts a pantsless man wearing black socks with a gold Captain Kirk shirt lounges on a dark gray recliner whist flanked by a tub of radioactive orange #cheeseballs.]
#cheeseballs #brodalisque #paintings
I’m still working on this giant #brodalisque painting!
[Description: An #artist in a green apron holds a paintbrush in her right hand to apply oil paint to a large in-progress composition of a reclining dude.]
Can it be true? Am I done with this cheesy #brodalisque painting? Come see it for yourself at my #art reception on April 28th at No. 7 Center Gallery in Vermillion, SD from 5-7 pm. #nameaninjaturtleaftermeyoucowards
[Description: An artist decked in leopard print beams with pride while holding a horizontal oil painting of a man wearing a Captain Kirk shirt, splayed next to a vat of #cheeseballs.]
#cheeseballs #nameaninjaturtleaftermeyoucowards #art #brodalisque