Anyone remember a 1980s video game called Raid on Bungeling Bay? It was made by Brøderbund, who went on to make SimCity.
I remember playing it on C64 as a kid. It was a fun game, but hard. Today I found a remake that can be played in a web browser:
#games #classicgames #broderbund
The Guardian Legend Shrine
Part of the network of the similarly venerable, The Guardian Legend Shrine is nearly the ideal game shrine, a static site crammed full of screenshots, strategy tips, fan art and fiction, and generally just everything of interest to a fan of the NES game.
#niche #retro #alyssa #bluerandar #broderbund #compile #fanwork #guardianlegend #mooniitani #nes #niche #oldweb #randar #retro #shrine #zanac
#zanac #shrine #randar #oldweb #nes #mooniitani #guardianlegend #fanwork #compile #broderbund #bluerandar #alyssa #retro #niche
Are you with the #Brøderbund?
#Choplifter #retrogaming #Commodore64 #C64 #retrocomputing #80s #1980s #VideoGames #gaming
#broderbund #choplifter #retrogaming #commodore64 #c64 #retrocomputing #80s #1980s #videogames #gaming
Legend... #Broderbund
I've still got my Epson Apex 80 printer and considered hooking it up to one of my ol' machines (Atari, C64 or Laser 128) and printing some old-school style banners to put outside in the porch windows one of these days just to look anachronistic! :)
"Floppy Disk Friday! Ye Olde THE PRINT SHOP. Such a Classic! Who doesn't still have a Banner around from those days? 😜"
#Atari #Atari8Bit #c64 #apple2 #ThePrintShop #Broderbund #RetroComputers #RetroGaming
#atari #atari8bit #c64 #apple2 #theprintshop #broderbund #retrocomputers #retrogaming
Dieses Mal zeige ich euch das Spiel „The Castles of Doctor Creep“ von Edward R. Hobbs aus dem Hause Brøderbund von 1984. 🕹
#Commodore #C64 #Commodore64 #TheCastlesOfDoctorCreep #C64Retweets #YouTube #GermanMediaRT #retrograming #Broderbund #retrogames
#commodore #c64 #commodore64 #thecastlesofdoctorcreep #c64retweets #youtube #germanmediart #retrograming #broderbund #retrogames
This sprite always made me deeply uncomfortable because I always saw this old person as this weird grinning worm thing. lol
#battleofolympus #nes #nintendo #classicnintendo #Broderbund #BrøderbundSoftware #classicgames
#battleofolympus #nes #nintendo #classicnintendo #broderbund #broderbundsoftware #classicgames
Calling all #PrinceOfPersia fans!📢
A few more additions to #TheVideoGameLibrary today 📚
#TheSandsOfTime #PrinceOfPersiaTheSandsOfTime #JordanMechner #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gaming #Gamer #Disney #Broderbund #RedOrbEntertainment #TheLearningCompany #Ubisoft #MSDOS #iOS #Xbox #AppleII #PlayStation #Nintendo #Wii #WarriorWithin #TheTwoThrones #SongBook #Artbook #Gameloft #PiperworksSoftware #Amiga #AtariST #Dreamcast #GameBoy #SegaCD
#segacd #Gameboy #dreamcast #atarist #amiga #piperworkssoftware #gameloft #artbook #Songbook #thetwothrones #warriorwithin #wii #Nintendo #Playstation #appleii #xbox #iOS #msdos #ubisoft #TheLearningCompany #redorbentertainment #broderbund #Disney #gamer #Gaming #videogames #videogame #bookstodon #Books #book #jordanmechner #princeofpersiathesandsoftime #thesandsoftime #thevideogamelibrary #princeofpersia
What the heck is #TheVideoGameLibrary thinking!?
Well, this book was actually bundled alongside "Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego" to help players understand clues and research information.
Big thanks to @LitaGemini & VideoGameCanon for this one!
#CarmenSandiego #WhereInTimeIsCarmenSandiego #PC #PCGaming #RetroGaming #VideoGame #VideoGames #Gaming #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Encyclopedia #History #Broderbund #NES #Nintendo #PuzzleGame #LearningGames
#learninggames #puzzlegame #Nintendo #nes #broderbund #History #encyclopedia #bookstodon #Books #book #Gaming #videogames #videogame #retrogaming #pcgaming #pc #whereintimeiscarmensandiego #carmensandiego #thevideogamelibrary
Do I know anyone that worked for Broderbund? There was someone a few years ago that worked there that was asking if I could upload one of the disks. Well, I found it and currently ripping it for upload to the Internet Archive. Surprisingly haven't seen it there yet.
#abandonware #demodisk #broderbund
@vga256 Thank you for sharing!! I've stumbled across it a few times, and always passed it off for a generic computing history book - not realizing it was from #Broderbund's president.
Will add it to the library asap!
They also still love Kid Pix.
#retro #classicmacos #kidpix #broderbund #imacg4
Spent an incalculable number of hours of my pre-teen life playing Lode Runner on my Apple ][.
I regret nothing.
Shufflepuck Cafe is surely one of the funniest games I have ever played on Atari ST and Amiga! 😀
Some opponents try to defeat you by using some sleight of hand tricks. Listen carefully to this one! ☝️👂
#ShufflepuckCafe #Broderbund #Retrogaming #Amiga #AtariST #DOSGaming
#shufflepuckcafe #broderbund #retrogaming #amiga #atarist #dosgaming