I suggest "Into the Blue" by Broken Bells (2022): Danger Mouse (Brian Burton) and James Mercer of the Shins.
Came across this completely by algorithmic chance – I scrolled past it on YouTube, like the artwork and thought, "Why not? If I don't like it, I can stop listening". Didn't stop listening …
This will probably fall under the indie label, though.
You can listen to "Into The Blue" here:
#music #brokenbells #dangermouse #brianburton #jamesmercer
#brokenbells #fediradio #wearetheradio #indierock #Softrock
PSA: Today I found three albums – unknown by me, despite their second release charting at no.1 on iTunes the day of release – by the #Shins’ singer/songwriter James Mercer and Danger Mouse, as side project #BrokenBells.
If you fancy something new by artists you enjoy, crack open your store of choice to check out their bio and see if they’ve recorded any side projects of their own? (which will normally be listed, without fanfare, under “similar artists”)
#positiveposts #til #music #brokenbells #shins
The Brain DJ (like the Bogus Man) is close on my heels today. I was listening to this release last night while prepping dinner, and the Brain DJ has echoes of one track this morning –
#Broken Bells, "Fade Away" (2022)
#BrokenBells #PerfectWorld
#music #musique #musica #musikken #musik
#WeAreTheRadio #TootRadio #MastoRadio #FediRadio #pouetradio
#brokenbells #perfectWorld #Music #musique #musica #musikken #musik #wearetheradio #tootradio #mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio
#BrokenBells #TheRemainsOfRickAndRoll
#music #musique #musica #musikken #musik
#WeAreTheRadio #TootRadio #MastoRadio #FediRadio #pouetradio
#brokenbells #theremainsofrickandroll #Music #musique #musica #musikken #musik #wearetheradio #tootradio #mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio
27 January 2023 the letter B
Broken Bells, an on-again, off-again project of David Mercer of The Shins and Danger Mouse of...Danger Mouse (numerous producer and performer credits). Danger Mouse's electronic/soulful underpinnings bring body to Mercer's keening, often soaring janglepop. I find no deeper meaning or value to their music and I don't care - it is compelling in itself, and hits all the right buttons for me.
#fortnightfridaymusic #brokenbells
Tom is now listening to The High Road
Found my new escape song.
#BrokenBells Love On the Run #Music #Psychedelic #Soul #Retro #Synth #Dreamy
Link through Individious
#brokenbells #music #psychedelic #soul #retro #synth #dreamy
Tom is now listening to The High Road
This song gives me major Jefferson Airplane vibes circa “Surrealistic Pillow”?? https://open.spotify.com/track/3jQLrXV8iw6f9uG7hwscdH?si=laZa7BIoROi71LJTB8zldA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2CKqapMPL6O0T8cqvFmyVz #music #BrokenBells
#BrokenBells #LoveOnTheRun #INTOTHEBLUE #Music #Música #Rocktodon #Indietodon
Qué bonitez, por favor.
#brokenbells #loveontherun #intotheblue #music #musica #Rocktodon #indietodon
Hello, there's a new Broken Bells album #music #BrokenBells