Fucking #PhysicalTherapy taedae. #Injury #BrokenBones #IAmVeryBroken
#iamverybroken #brokenbones #injury #physicaltherapy
Yay broken hand! #BrokenBones #Fracture #owie #injured
#injured #owie #fracture #brokenbones
What's a broken hand look like? Spoilers, not like this, or maybe it does look like this, but this isn't broke. I got x-rays, no breaks, no fractures, just heavy bruising and pain, lucky. It only took a couple days to get back to normal size from the Flintstones hurt hand size. #Flintstones #Pulverized #Injury #BrokenBones #Health #Hands My hands, I fucking need these things, preferably in working order.
#flintstones #pulverized #injury #brokenbones #health #hands
Happy Birthday to the Roberts twins, Tony „Bones“ Roberts and Terry "Tezz" Roberts of Discharge and Broken Bones, born on this day in 1962.
#punk #punks #punkrock #hardcorepunk #discharge #brokenbones #history #punkrockhistory #otd
#punk #punks #PunkRock #hardcorepunk #discharge #brokenbones #history #punkrockhistory #otd
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The Proverbial list Evolved:
:solidarity: #DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #EndAbleism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #DisabilityAdvocacy #passionate #DisabledVoicesUnite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity
#ConcussionAwareness #TBI #ABI #AnoxicBrainInjury #BrainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #LimbDifference #ActuallyAutisic #OrthopedicDisabilities #SticksAndStones #BrokenBones #NaturesPharmaceutical #DisabilityAcceptance #EndAbleistHateCrime #StopAbleistSlurs #DisabilityEconomicJustice #CripTheVote #DisabilityLobby #HumanInterest #NonPartisan #research #Education #Knowledge
#UnityConquers #TearDownTheWall
Behind and beside in :solidarity: : #CivilRights #MentalHealth #EndRacism #EndBigotry #LandBack #gratitude Kahnawá:ke #LGBTQIA #BLM #WomenRights #EqualPay #StopViolence #StopAsianHate #POC #EndBigotry for #everyone
#BeYou #BeNice
#UnityConquers #TearDownTheWall :solidarity: !!
Un peu de moi?
Je ne parle pas couramment Français. I like using #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
#FilmMaking #Writing #poetry
Ex-#musician #Songwriter Passé
💐⚘🌺🏵 #GardenCreator extraordinaire. #FlowerGardens
Et Bien plus encore
Original profile is informational only.
New posts and communication will originate from § Voice and § Deux: @OutOfExile_IDR@neurodifferent.me
The character count affords me accommodation.
🙏, ✌️, 💛, :solidarity: #accommodation for "👥🫂👤" with #InvisibleDisabilities
Just like many of us, this list is incomplete and still evolving.
Don't forget the ALT text.
#DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #endableism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #disabilityadvocacy #passionate #disabledvoicesunite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity #ConcussionAwareness #TBI #abi #AnoxicBrainInjury #brainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #limbdifference #actuallyautisic #orthopedicdisabilities #sticksandstones #brokenbones #naturespharmaceutical #disabilityacceptance #endableisthatecrime #stopableistslurs #disabilityeconomicjustice #cripthevote #DisabilityLobby #humaninterest #nonpartisan #research #education #knowledge #unityconquers #teardownthewall #civilrights #mentalhealth #endracism #endbigotry #landback #gratitude #lgbtqia #blm #womenrights #equalpay #stopviolence #StopAsianHate #poc #everyone #beyou #BeNice #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #filmmaking #writing #poetry #musician #songwriter #gardencreator #flowergardens #accommodation #invisibledisabilities
Surgery all confirmed for just before Christmas to rebuild my wrist (slightly more major than originally thought). Somewhat comforted by the sample menu for the hospital food - they’re sending the wine list closer to the date, along with the final menu for the dates I’m in. See, there are some benefits of going private.
#Surgery #BrokenBones #WineList #Hospital #MedicareAus #PrivateHealthAus
#Surgery #brokenbones #winelist #hospital #medicareaus #privatehealthaus
Vandaag ga ik van de oxycodon af. #Wishmeluck. #fietstoot #fietsen #brokenbones #Oxycodon
#wishmeluck #fietstoot #fietsen #brokenbones #Oxycodon
This is an x-ray of a hand, not my hand. It has a Terry-Thomas injury and a gap of 1-2mm in movement. Mine is 5mm+. I've just come back from the surgeon, the bone on the left is now free-floating and moving all over the place, which aint a great idea. They can't stitch the tear as it's too bad, so they're going to have to harvest a tendon from elsewhere and drill and graft one in. MRI Thursday, surgery planned for 20th December.
#x #xray #Terry #brokenbones #Surgery #ouch
Today is the 4th #anniversary of my titanium #ankle. Now I only have to worry about the other one. #Oy. #brokenbones #hospital #clumsy #gettingold
#anniversary #ankle #oy #brokenbones #hospital #clumsy #gettingold
Maybe I should have checked it sooner. On Sunday I fell over my cat and put my hand out to break my fall. Bad idea. Today my colleagues had enough of me swearing when I used my hand, It’s now Tuesday, a quieter day at A&E/ED, so it’s been x-rayed and in a splint for the next 10 days, then check again and see if it heals itself or needs setting. #cats #ouch #brokenbones
So I broke my clavicle..Hurts like hell but the drugs help and at least the x-ray is pretty. #injuries #xray #brokenbones #medical #ouch
#injuries #xray #brokenbones #medical #ouch
Ah shit, our drummer's only gone and broken his ankle. Ouch! Looks like we're cancelling our first and last shows of the year. #albumlaunch #brokenbones #livemusic #2023 #drummers
#drummers #livemusic #brokenbones #albumlaunch
How’s my roller skating going, nobody asked? Well, about like this. 😭
I broke my ankle last Saturday - skates were on, I stepped onto sloped, wet grass to avoid rolling too fast down the driveway (it was raining a bit), my feet slipped, my left ankle turned in and snapped as I fell hard.
So yup, that’s that for now. I blame nature, not the skates. 🤣
Recovery could take several months, though. 😭*SIGH*
#rollerskating #adultskating #outdoorfitness #brokenbones