🕊This was me before the TBI that claimed so much of my life. I have only recently been allowed to, with approval from doctors, to know of them.
Reborn..us..the Phoenix, written and spoken by me @ wispofsilence foldupthesky , on #SoundCloud give a listen if you wish..
#brokenpoet2 #spokenword #spokenperformance
#soundcloud #brokenpoet2 #spokenword #spokenperformance
chaque jour mon cœur est brisé ...
et pourtant je respire
quelle joie cette putain de vie
Come. Let me show you..
What soft rain and " oh god " Sundays are good for..
and I want
at the end of my days,
to hold a wrinkled hand
to see brave tears
on a lovely crinkled face..
and know this was love..
I want a love that will destroy a Phoenix every fucking time
Just to know it will be reborn
To live this life is to capture
poetry in crystallized strands
Like webs tangled
around your senses
To take each one
and weave as if on loom
A present
To be opened by another
To be felt
as soft as cashmere
or as prickly as burlap
For if words are not felt
the poet has failed
#brokenpoet2 #lostconversations
even neighbors were coiled like snakes
picking bones
their voices strained with numb
and as I bent to pick up the yellowing Sunday paper the night was suckling Monday's teat
a fucking stray dog looked me in the eyes
and took a shit on my lawn
I saluted him in a silent agreement
and closed the door
Seems like a good day to walk back into the forest and say I'm sorry I ever left
and hope it can forgive me
If only..
written and spoken by me
years before my TBI
wispofsilence foldupthesky faith4verlives #SoundCloud #myphoto #myglasses #myhope #unitednations #humanrights #thinkingcap2 #brokenpoet2
Listen here.. https://on.soundcloud.com/E4HdL
#soundcloud #myphoto #myglasses #myhope #unitednations #humanrights #thinkingcap2 #brokenpoet2
Odd how over a lifetime
we give pieces of ourselves away
and yet never quite seem to empty..
So tell me, love..
how can that not be but beautiful..
#brokenpoet2 #lostconversations
most walked around so perfumed
even their asses smelled of jasmine
but there were a few if you took the time to look that had a scent of opened intestines and bleach
those are the ones I gravitated towards..
those that fucking reeked of living
#brokenpoet2 #lostconversations
Will you find me among the rain? she asked
And you'll remember to kiss me like French poems and yesterdays?
Don't leave me for a second,
my dearest, because in that
moment you'll have gone so far
I'll wander hazily over all the earth,
asking, will you come back?
Will you leave me here, dying?"
Pablo Neruda
#myphoto #brokenpoet2
Night always had a way
of showing you your true self
And it didn't give a crap
whether or not
you were ready for that much truth ..
So tonight you best grab the scotch,son..cause it's a real clusterfuck #brokenpoet2
some times I need to be taken like breath
All these dead memories
walking around in these taunting skinsuits
For fucks sakes,man
Are there no more grave diggers..
it was more a steady mist than heavy drops at first ..
of a society beaten down
later it became the kind of driving rain an umbrella could not shield you from..
a breaking of heart and spirit
both somehow useless
in a time of grieving
Excuse the mess,my darling..I am at war
The problem with sitting at the bar all night was there's always some hazy grey mirror on the back wall staring at you.
Shit, I already felt the spindly fingers of society's sad desperation gripping the back of my throat I certainly didn't need to fucking witness my sad role in it
I felt the weighted pity of birds today