Everything about this story angers me and breaks my heart about our .
San Diego teens arrested for killing unhoused woman known as ‘Granny Annie’

"Pershal had long been waiting to get placed into housing and was working with case workers, but she was unable to secure a spot in the area that could accommodate her, her daughter said. She used a walker and couldn’t move into a place with stairs."

#brokensociety #homelesness #cities #urbanisim

Last updated 1 year ago

So much of my time is now dedicated to writing paperwork that obligates employers and schools to not be pieces of shit that I'm now reducing my patient facing hours.

We are a broken people.

#latestagecapitalism #mentalhealth #brokensociety

Last updated 2 years ago

Cat - One Creative Cat · @onecreativecat
531 followers · 1958 posts · Server mastodon.art

It is really hard to not be angry reading the news today...
Stopping boat people to apply for asylum goes against international treaties and humanity...
The way asylum seekers are treated is inhumane and degrading, but nobody speak about that.
My kids are taught compulsory "British Values" in class, I wonder if being crass and xenophobic should be added, mmm?
This is disgusting

#brokensociety #immigration #refugees

Last updated 2 years ago

Charming Malcontent · @CharmingMalcontent
51 followers · 370 posts · Server home.social

Oh look! Another mass shooting by an angry, insignificant, loser, 43 year old 'Murrican male who was upset after a "confrontation" and decided to express his frustrated "masculinity" by murdering three young people and severly injuring a further five on a college campus in fly-over toilet Michigan.

#brokensociety #gunsdontkillmendo #landofthefweedumb

Last updated 2 years ago

Keith · @kbfref
135 followers · 1247 posts · Server mastodon.social

Autumns ending, winter begins to take hold. So many people struggling with the cost of heating. So much inequality in our lived experience.

#dailyphoto #photography #energycrisis #brokensociety

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @k_mullan: Disgraceful the amount of people placed in B&B's and hotels with no cooking facilities. If it wasnt for the support from foodbanks and charity/community organisations I'm not sure how people would to get by, whilst many businesses are profiting.

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/M_AndersonSF/status/


Last updated 2 years ago