He indicado "a simple vista", porque después decidí observar en profundidad y... sinceramente, no sé si sería capaz de jugar al juego. Es que, llamadlo deformación profesional o lo que sea, pero a mí me tocan los cojones estos detalles de IA tan obvios.
No pienso apoyar esto. Decididamente. Debería haber, como mínimo, artistas retocando estas cosas.
#charlescecil #Brokensword #reforged #videojuegos #aventuragrafica
#charlescecil #brokensword #reforged #videojuegos #aventuragrafica
Me hace muchísima ilusión jugar al primer Broken Sword en hermoso HD, pero...
Está hecho con IA, lo ha dicho el propio Charles Cecil.
Y no sé qué pensar, porque en este caso, al menos, es a partir de un trabajo previo. Además, el resultado... es bueno. O, al menos, a simple vista.
#charlescecil #Brokensword #reforged #videojuegos #aventuragrafica
#charlescecil #brokensword #reforged #videojuegos #aventuragrafica
Chwila zwierzeń: nigdy nie byłem fanem cyklu #BrokenSword. Z twórczości Revolution Software zdecydowanie wolałem Beneath a Steel Sky. Wielu miłośników przygodówek pewnie się jednak ucieszy: George Stobbart powróci nie tylko w zupełnie nowej grze, lecz także w kolejnym remasterze Shadow of the Templars.
Więcej: https://cdaction.pl/newsy/broken-sword-dostanie-kolejny-remaster-i-kontynuacje
#przygodowki #gaming #giereczkowo #gry #cdaction #brokensword
Classic adventure series Broken Sword returns with a sixth instalment and a beautiful remaster - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/classic-adventure-series-broken-sword-returns-with-a-sixth-instalment-and-a-beautiful-remaster #BrokenSword-ShadowoftheTemplars:Reforged #BrokenSword-Parzival'sStone #RevolutionSoftware #NintendoSwitch #XboxSeriesX/S #PointandClick #gamescom2023 #BrokenSword #StoryRich #Gamescom #Android #XboxOne #Puzzle #PS5 #iOS #PS4 #PC
#pc #ps4 #ios #ps5 #puzzle #xboxone #android #gamescom #StoryRich #gamescom2023 #pointandclick #XboxSeriesX #nintendoswitch #revolutionsoftware #brokensword
Anunciado un nuevo Broken Sword y la remasterización del original https://www.dekazeta.net/anunciado-un-nuevo-broken-sword-y-la-remasterizacion-del-original/
#BrokenSword #PS5 #XboxSeriesX #Xbox #Switch #NintendoSwitch #Gaming #Videojuegos
#brokensword #ps5 #xboxseriesx #xbox #switch #nintendoswitch #gaming #videojuegos
@TechConnectify is Aging Wheels on Mastodon? I've just found a Trabant!
#Trabant #brokensword #agingwheels
How would you solve a problem? Words? Punching? Maybe swords? 😁🤛⚔️
Can you help us with a coffee to translate it into English and get it published? 👇
#indianajones #monkeyisland #brokensword #indiegame #retrogames #retrogames #pointandclick #ドット絵
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#indianajones #monkeyisland #brokensword #indiegame #retrogames #pointandclick #ドット絵
Here are #TenGamesToKnowMe:
- #BrokenSword
- #TombRaider
- #DeusEx
- #MaxPayne
- #Hitman
- #Mafia
- #MetalGearSolid
- #TheWitcher3
- #DiscoElysium
- #Control
- #MortalShell
- #AlbaAWildlifeAdventure
What are yours?
#tengamestoknowme #brokensword #tombraider #deusex #maxpayne #hitman #mafia #metalgearsolid #thewitcher3 #discoelysium #control #MortalShell #AlbaAWildlifeAdventure #gaming #videogames #games #pcgaming #gamers #gamedev
Clearing out some stuff in preparation for some renovations. I came across my copy of Broken Sword for the Nintendo DS.
I'm pretty sure the original broken sword is the game I own on the most different platforms (certainly that I purchased rather than free to play) . I would have had it on PS1, PC , DS and Mac .
What's the game you own the most?
#videogames #nostalgia #nintendo #brokensword
I feel like a proper #SteamDeck user now - just contributed a control layout for a game that didn't have one (#BrokenSword 3). Now I need to figure out how to report that the game works flawlessly...
Esta cabra es uno de los enemigos más temidos de la historia de los videojuegos... #retrogames #brokenSword
@pixiepoison90 now as a grownup (cough cough) I'm with #brokensword team even when I've only played first but jokes seem more mature and unsolved misteries are a great addition. :blobcatgiggle2: love both anyway
From the sketch to the final result! ⚔️
Can you help us finish translating the game so we can publish it? 👇
#pixel #videogames #adventure #indianajones#monkeyisland #brokensword #lucasarts #sierragames #indiegame #retrogames #pointandclick #ドット絵
#pixel #videogames #adventure #indianajones #brokensword #lucasarts #sierragames #indiegame #retrogames #pointandclick #ドット絵
Steve Ince (of Broken Sword & More) Announces Retirement – His Thoughts…
@SInce has announced his retirement and he shares the games, his retirement and future in his first article with us at Pixel Refresh.
#retrogaming #gaming #retrocomputing #revolutionsoftware #brokensword
#brokensword #revolutionsoftware #RetroComputing #Gaming #retrogaming
Did you know our close-up are made on a real AMIGA computer with retro software?
¿Sabías que nuestros primeros planos están hechos en un verdadero ordenador AMIGA con software retro
#retrogames #pointandclick #indiedev #indianajones #monkeyisland #brokensword #lucasarts #retrogames #pointandclick #ReturnToMonkeyIsland
#retrogames #pointandclick #indiedev #indianajones #monkeyisland #brokensword #lucasarts #ReturnToMonkeyIsland
In #LegendsOfCastile adventure game, María de Salazar, our protagonist, will face all kind or threats and legendary creatures from the Spanish region of Castile. Are you prepared? 👹✝️⚡✨
⏬Wishlist it now on Steam
#creatures #legends #folklegends #spanishlegends #adventuregaming #pointandclick #MonkeyIsland #brokensword #dayofthetentacle #discworld #grimfandango #mariadesalazar #aventuragrafica #adventuregame
#legendsofcastile #creatures #legends #folklegends #spanishlegends #adventuregaming #pointandclick #monkeyisland #brokensword #dayofthetentacle #discworld #grimFandango #mariadesalazar #aventuragrafica #adventuregame
Just finished #BrokenSword. Much longer than I thought it was and much more detailed! Great story.
A lot of #AssassinsCreed vibes as well (Yeah, I know Broken Sword came out before AC 😅)
#brokensword #assassinscreed #gaming