OH: "I've just saw someone with the same car as you, around the corner...
So I jumped in and said 'Give me a lift you tight git!' ....
And then realised it wasn't your car, poor woman ... " #bromsgrove
I wonder whether #Bromsgrove being such a safe #Conservative seat is a root factor behind these scandals. That is, the MPs start taking liberties because they feel less political pressure than usual.
I wonder if anyone has done any statistical analysis to see if there is a correlation between safe seats and expenses wrongly claimed, or resignations for breaches of codes, for instance.
Sajid Javid is the first #Conservative MP in #Bromsgrove to resign for a reason other than corruption for 20 years.
He broke a twenty year comedy fun in my home town run after Roy Thomason and Julie Kirkbride; the first resignd due to an undeclared loans scandal, and the second for over claiming £28,000 in her expenses.
#conservative #bromsgrove #ukpolitics