Another #ECCC2023 purchase: #Shazam 13. Cover by #BobOksner . Never could find this comic to purchase as a kid. Didn't even find someone who had it to trade. Nice to finally be able to read it.
#comics #CaptainMarvel #DcComics #BronzeAgeComicBooks #MaryMarvel #TawkyTawny #CaptainMarvelJr
#eccc2023 #shazam #boboksner #comics #CaptainMarvel #dccomics #bronzeagecomicbooks #marymarvel #tawkytawny #captainmarveljr
What in the name of Great Caesar's Ghost was the editor thinking with this cover?
Cover pencils and inks by #BobOksner. Cover colors by #TatjanaWood.
#boboksner #tatjanawood #comics #superman #clarkkent #dccomics #bronzeagecomicbooks