How Library Cards Became the #JayZ Merch of the Moment
#jayz #bibliothekskultur #brooklynpubliclibrary
Should a struggling public library be used as a shrine to a billionaire’s glamorous life?
#Art #Libraries #JayZ #BrooklynPublicLibrary
#art #libraries #jayz #brooklynpubliclibrary
Marched in the Brooklyn Pride Parade with @bklynlibrary and it felt amazing to be surrounded by such a strong and supportive community! Read queer books! Fight banned books! Support Drag Queen Story Hour! 💪📚🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🌈
#BrooklynPride2023 #BrooklynPride #BrooklynNewYork #ParkSlopeBrooklyn #LGBTQIAPlusPride #LGBTQIAPlusCommunity #BrooklynPublicLibrary #ReadQueerBooks #FightBannedBooks #SupportDragQueenStoryHour #DragQueenStoryHour #DragStoryHourNYC
#brooklynpride2023 #brooklynpride #brooklynnewyork #parkslopebrooklyn #lgbtqiapluspride #lgbtqiapluscommunity #brooklynpubliclibrary #readqueerbooks #fightbannedbooks #supportdragqueenstoryhour #dragqueenstoryhour #dragstoryhournyc
Free eCards for #teens nationwide facing book bans:
"To apply for the card, teens can send a note to, or via the Library’s teen-run Instagram account, @bklynfuture. The $50 fee normally associated with out-of-state cards will be waived. Teens are encouraged to share videos, essays, and stories on the importance of intellectual freedom and the impact that book challenges and bans have had on their lives."
#library #books #BookBan #BookBans #teenagers #BrooklynPublicLibrary
#teens #library #books #bookban #BookBans #teenagers #brooklynpubliclibrary
Y’all should follow Rachel Cabitt’s Substack. #album #recordalbum #vinyl #albumcoverart #nypl #brooklynpubliclibrary
#album #recordalbum #vinyl #albumcoverart #nypl #brooklynpubliclibrary
Bravo to #seattlepubliclibrary for joining Brooklyn Public Library in allowing kids anywhere in the country to get a library card, thereby securing them access to books that might be banned by their state. Remember, kids, it’s never a good idea to be on the same side as book banners. Like, never. #spl #seattle #brooklynpubliclibrary
#brooklynpubliclibrary #seattle #spl #seattlepubliclibrary
“Brooklyn Public Library is adding our voice to those fighting for the rights of teens nationwide to read what they like, discover themselves, and form their own opinions. Inspired by the American Library Association's Freedom to Read Statement, BPL's Books Unbanned initiative is a response to an increasingly coordinated and effective effort to remove books tackling a wide range of topics from library shelves.“
#booksunbanned #bookbans #brooklynpubliclibrary #readfreely
#booksunbanned #Bookbans #brooklynpubliclibrary #readfreely
NYT Architecture : Three Sunny New Libraries Are Neighborhood Lifelines #Gensler,MArthurJr,&Associates #PublicandSubsidizedHousing #LibrariesandLibrarians #BrooklynPublicLibrary #Harlem(Manhattan,NY) #NewYorkPublicLibrary #WORKArchitectureCo #wHYArchitecture #Brooklyn(NYC) #Architecture #Adams,EricL
#gensler #publicandsubsidizedhousing #librariesandlibrarians #brooklynpubliclibrary #harlem #newyorkpubliclibrary #workarchitectureco #whyarchitecture #brooklyn #architecture #adams
Join #WikiWednesday Salon at #BrooklynPublicLibrary tomorrow evening, pizza included! #Q60
#wikiwednesday #brooklynpubliclibrary #q60
Great work in a totally unacceptable situation.
#Books #Library #Banned #USA #Censorship #FreeSpeech #Freedom #BrooklynPublicLibrary
#books #library #banned #usa #censorship #freespeech #freedom #brooklynpubliclibrary
Last year, Brooklyn Public Library asked kids to write about censorship in their schools and libraries. The results were both sobering and hopeful.
#Censorship #Libraries #BookBans #librarians #brooklynpubliclibrary #Op-Ed
#censorship #libraries #bookBans #librarians #brooklynpubliclibrary #op
Highly recommend the #Kanopy app if your library system is connected to it. Thousands of movies of every conceivable genre to choose from. You can access up to 10 movies per month.
And while we're at it -- I'm adding a shoutout to the #LosAngelesPublicLibrary, which I use all the time. And to the #BrooklynPublicLibrary for giving nationwide access to books being censored elsewhere.
#kanopy #losangelespubliclibrary #brooklynpubliclibrary
Shitty Men In Media by Moira Donegan; crowdsourced
Topics #shittymeninmedia, #shittymediamen, #abusers, #abuse, #misogyny, #patriarchy, #columbiauniversity, #theparisreview, #thenewrepublic, #newyorkmagazine, #londonreviewofbooks, #nymag, #lrb, #harpersmagazine, #harpers, #nplus1magazine, #nplus1, #riverheadbooks, #thebaffler, #thenation, #losangelestimes, #latimes, #thenewyorker, #powellsbooks, #tinhouse, #versobooks, #verso, #wendyssubway, #mcnallyjackson, #bleacherreport, #thetrumpscorecard, #gq, #condénast, #vocativ, #vicesports, #vicemedia, #fsg, #farrarstrausandgiroux, #kissingsuzykolber, #cnbc, #wallstreetjournal, #wsj, #breitbart, #valleywag, #wiredmagazine, #guernica, #brooklynpubliclibrary, #medium, #villagevoice, #fastcompany, #thebatsegundoshow, #batsegundo, #thehuffingtonpost, #huffpo, #politico, #deadspin, #newyorktimes, #nyt, #aeon, #simonandschuster, #harpercollins, #esquire, #gawker, #theintercept, #techcrunch, #buzzfeed, #grantland, #ratter, #quartz, #penguinyoungreaders, #philomel, #fivethirtyeight, #theguardian, #rollingstone, #dailydot, #thedailydot, #macmillan, #motherjones, #pitchfork, #chicagoreader, #nationalgeographic, #slate, #slatemagazine, #mic, #cbs, #cracked, #electronicbeats, #thedailyshow, #euromoney, #nomadcinema, #newyorkmedia
#shittymeninmedia #shittymediamen #abusers #abuse #misogyny #patriarchy #columbiauniversity #theparisreview #thenewrepublic #newyorkmagazine #londonreviewofbooks #nymag #LRB #harpersmagazine #harpers #nplus1magazine #nplus1 #riverheadbooks #thebaffler #thenation #losangelestimes #latimes #thenewyorker #powellsbooks #tinhouse #versobooks #verso #wendyssubway #mcnallyjackson #bleacherreport #thetrumpscorecard #gq #condénast #vocativ #vicesports #vicemedia #fsg #farrarstrausandgiroux #kissingsuzykolber #cnbc #wallstreetjournal #wsj #breitbart #valleywag #wiredmagazine #guernica #brooklynpubliclibrary #medium #villagevoice #fastcompany #thebatsegundoshow #batsegundo #thehuffingtonpost #huffpo #politico #deadspin #newyorktimes #nyt #aeon #SimonandSchuster #harpercollins #esquire #gawker #theintercept #techcrunch #buzzfeed #grantland #ratter #quartz #penguinyoungreaders #philomel #fivethirtyeight #theguardian #rollingstone #dailydot #thedailydot #macmillan #motherjones #pitchfork #chicagoreader #nationalgeographic #slate #slatemagazine #mic #cbs #cracked #ElectronicBeats #thedailyshow #euromoney #nomadcinema #newyorkmedia