There's been a #Broontervention.
Labour may have enabled devolution but it seems hell bent on undermining it.
@TheNational [Humza] Yousaf: Gordon Brown social security remarks were 'highly partisan'."
Beth Winter, Labour MP, Cynon Valley seems to be a sincere politician.
But she seems to believe Brown's latest iteration of fandan federalism is a credible way forward to a "cleaner, greener socialist future."
#broontervention #brigadoonbroon #VoteLabourGetTory
The Guardian's website UK section report headings currently include "Woking", "Croydon", "Heathrow Airport" and "Scotland".
There's yer #Broontervention "UK" right there.
Ooft! Wee Ginger Dug fairly putting the boot in to Broon. Great article.
#BrownhogDay #Broontervention #Politics #Scotland Brown promised a federal UK, we got a feral UK
#scotland #politics #broontervention #brownhogday
I hear there’s been yet another #Broontervention. I haven’t heard the details, but I expect he’s promised another load of ideas which tinker with UK democracy, deny any more power to devolved Governments, and which Labour won’t deliver even if they do get into power.
Don’t get fooled again.