CaroltheCrone · @CaroltheCrone
267 followers · 902 posts · Server

Sunshine in the backyard.

If you look in the lower right you can see some of my collected rocks. One of them is painted in the shape of a beagle.

(I had a beagle years ago. What a character.)

#natives #nativeplants #flowers #browneyedsusans #summer #gardening #gardeners #gardensofmastodan #bloomscrolling #photography #flowerphotography

Last updated 1 year ago

Reese Amorosi · @Glamorosi
55 followers · 11 posts · Server

Rudbeckia triloba (Brown-eyed Susans)

I started these Brown-eyed Susans from seed back in the mid-twenty-teens, and they've self-seeded every year since. I LOVE them - they are such happy flowers - and pollinators adore them too.

This photo is from late-July and we are now at the end of November, so these flowers are done for the season. They are, however, still providing food and shelter for birds. Goldfinches and sparrows, in particular, flock to the dried seedheads.

#gardening #rudbeckiatriloba #browneyedsusans #nativewildflowers #perennialflowers #coneflowers #mygarden #grownfromseed #PollinatorGarden #butterflygarden #organicgardening #urbanfarming #gardenersofmastodon #growyourown #gyo #zone7b #glamorosicooks

Last updated 2 years ago