We stopped off at the Samford Eco Corridor while out today for a walk and to look at birds (ostensibly to kill some time before going for lunch).
This is the first batch of birds:
A Grey Fantail.
A Superb Fairywren (eclipse - i.e. not yet in breeding plumage)
And a couple of Brown Honeyeaters. They make up for their relative plainness by having a lovely song.
#Bird #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #GreyFantail #SuperbFairywren #BrownHoneyeater
#bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #GreyFantail #superbfairywren #brownhoneyeater
Three birds is my parent's yard this morning.
A Blue-faced Honeyeater, a tiny Brown Honeyeater, and a pair of Spangled Drongos.
#bird #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #BlueFacedHoneyeater #BrownHoneyeater #SpangledDrongo
#bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #BlueFacedHoneyeater #brownhoneyeater #spangleddrongo