Tirage argentique de juillet 2013. Avec appareil Brownie zéro et une pellicule périmée depuis les années 70.
#browniecamera #argentique #noiretblanc #film #villedenancy
#browniecamera #argentique #noiretblanc #film #villedenancy
For #FotoMontag, #PhotoMonday, and #MonochromeMonday, my entry: a moody #BlackAndWhite portrait of the charming #midcentury #Kodak Brownie Fiesta camera. Available in print and other forms here: https://jon-woodhams.pixels.com/featured/kodak-brownie-fiesta-square-jon-woodhams.html #BlackAndWhitePhotography #PhotographyIsArt #AYearForArt #SpringIntoArt #BuyIntoArt #BrownieCamera #1960s #VintageCamera #Vintage #IndustrialDesign
#industrialdesign #vintage #vintagecamera #1960s #browniecamera #buyintoart #springintoart #ayearforart #photographyisart #blackandwhitephotography #kodak #midcentury #BlackAndWhite #monochromemonday #Photomonday #FotoMontag
Somerville Toy Camera Fest update: First email blast to our new mailing list is out, but you don't have to be a subscriber to provide feedback on what our 10th annual celebration of lo-fi photography should look like! Read the email, and access our very short survey, here: https://mailchi.mp/a5a1c22f92cc/stcf-turns-10-this-year
You can subscribe to our list thru our website: https://somervilletoycamera.org
Boosts appreciated!
#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhoto #LoFiPhoto #holga #dianacamera #browniecamera
#toycamera #browniecamera #dianacamera #holga #lofiphoto #filmphoto #believeinfilm
Throw-back Thursday of my mom, brother and me in Los Angeles, circa 1960s. I miss my mom; she passed away the day after Christmas.
#TBT #ThrowBackThursday #1960s #BWPhoto #BrownieCamera #LosAngeles
#tbt #throwbackthursday #1960s #bwphoto #browniecamera #losangeles