@openDemocracy view on #BrownReport: What they are actually talking about is more like mildly better governance within the broad restraints of the current system. #PRisLabourPartyPolicy
#brownreport #prislabourpartypolicy
Is this the right tool for change? How to devolve, and to whom? How to elect the second chamber? How solid is public support? How easy will it be to implement?
-- Stephen McNair has questions of the #BrownReport & its proposed #ConstitutionalReform
#brownreport #constitutionalreform
Gordon Brown's report for the UK Labour Party, on "renewing democracy and rebuilding the economy" has some useful ideas. But it's totally predicated on the chimera of economic growth.
The word "growth" appears 108 times, which rather suggests a signifier bereft of real meaning. 1/n
#Growth #Degrowth #BrownReport
#brownreport #degrowth #growth