Just tried out the Arc browser and I'm blown away by the speed and user experience. The last time I felt this way about a browser was when Chrome was released. Highly recommend giving it a try! #ArcBrowser #UserExperience #BrowserLove
#arcbrowser #userexperience #browserlove
new t-shirt design by @patrick_h_lauke
#browser #love #war #WebStandards
#browserlove #browserwar #browser #love #war #webstandards
Now that the new version is out, tell us which is your favorite new feature/improvement from Vivaldi 4.3.
We'd love to know! ❤
We’ve got something awesome coming up.😍But wait! What are these red blocks about?🤔
Fill in the blanks ….hmmm, blocks. How crazy can you get with your replies?😂
🥳Already looking forward to the silver jubilee celebrations.🎷#browserlove
RT @leenus@twitter.com
Post from last year, but still relevant "Our planet is connected like never before, with nearly 4 billion active internet users. The Web is what brings us together, no matter what device we’re using." #browserlove #WebXR https://goo.gl/6wdpmE @poshaughnessy