In terms of gaming, Tabletop or otherwise, should Star Wars lightsabers be gravely threatening or treated as no more than a regular (maybe powerful) weapon?
in a D&D like game, where a character’s health increases, a lightsaber becomes less and less threatening. Is that good or bad?
Or would you rather use a system where your health doesn’t increase and a lightsaber retains its deadliness (like Chaosium’s BRP System) #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5e #brp
23. I mentioned how gorgeous #BluebeardsBride was last week (, and both #VampireTheMasquerade and #ChangelingTheDreaming were cases of love at first sight. But one #TTRPG that I don’t think gets enough attention is #Aquelarre.
Its mechanics are fairly straightforward #BRP, and Reconquista-era Spain appeals to the history buff in me, but the art is really where it shines: faux-mediaeval portraiture rendered in vivid colour. Just beautiful.
#BluebeardsBride #VampireTheMasquerade #changelingthedreaming #ttrpg #aquelarre #brp #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #vtm #ctd
Actually, you know what, #RPGaDAY2023 Day 21? I was wrong and I take that back. On reflection, I realised I'd forgotten my favourite licensed game, despite the fact I'm currently reading it. Cubicle 7's first edition of #LaundryRPG captures the feel of @cstross's early Laundry books brilliantly and is possibly my favourite iteration of #BRP to boot.
Actually, you know what, #RPGaDAY2023 Day 21? I was wrong and I take that back. My favourite licensed game is Cubicle 7's #LaundryRPG. It captures the books brilliantly and is possibly my favourite iteration of #BRP.
Day 18 – Favourite game system.
Perhaps the hardest question for me to answer so far. I tend to flit from one #TTRPG to another.
I always come back to #ADnD2E, Basic #DnD, and d% #BRP systems though, so something about them must be able to hold my malnourished attention span.
#rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #ADnD2E #DnD #brp
Del articulo se concluye que mythras Imperative se licenciará usando ORC y que mythras gateway se va a modificar, relajando alguna de las condiciones.
"Mythras Imperative will also be licensed under ORC too, to ensure full consistency across our range. However, the core rules - Mythras Core, CF core, will not be ORC. If people want to license material found in our full rulebooks, we'll still have the Mythras Gateway to allow access in much the same way we do now (although we'll be relaxing some of the conditions)."
#mythras #orc #ttrpg #rol #juegoderol #brp
Parece ser que classic fantasy imperative lo van a publicar con licencia ORC 😍
#mythras #classicfantasy #brp #77Mundos #rol #juegoderol #rpg #ttrpg
#mythras #classicfantasy #brp #77mundos #rol #juegoderol #RPG #ttrpg
La música, en este caso Rufus Wainwright, amansa a la fiera.
Caturday tranquilo tras leer "A un cable de la orilla" para Cthulhu Confidencial, que tremendo juego de rol, por cierto.
Cada vez me gusta mas Gumshoe para los Mitos de Cthulhu y menos el BRP.
#caturdayeveryday #gata #gatospaquiters #neko #catsofmastodon #rol #gumshoe #brp
#caturdayeveryday #gata #gatospaquiters #neko #catsofmastodon #rol #gumshoe #brp
Day 4 – Most recent game bought.
That’s easy. I just backed the Kingdom of Azadmere Kickstarter. I try to preorder from stores rather than KS, but #Harnworld and Kevin Crawford games seem to be the exception.
Pedants might say a Harn kingdom book is a setting, not a game, which is a fair argument. In that case, it was the revised #BRP core book.
Hurtling through my fourth decade though, and pdfs can sometimes strain my eyes, so am eagerly awaiting a POD.
#rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #harnworld #brp
@gemeenteamsterdam @WouterGVDO @voorstad @tvanelferen @vergunst
Voor de #gemeentenijmegen wil ik zelfs nog wel een speciaal aanbod maken, alleen al omdat ze zo supercool zijn geweest om #IRMA #YIVI kaartjes uit te geven van de #BRP
#gemeentenijmegen #IRMA #yivi #brp
Back to Basics: Basic Roleplaying Universal Game Engine
#BoxcarNation #Review #ttrpg #BRP #toolkit @Chaosium_Inc @JasonDurall @dan_of_yhtill
#boxcarnation #review #ttrpg #brp #toolkit
With reference to an earlier discussion (link after) and Basic Role Playing ( #BRP #ttrpg )
Has anyone any experience with Chaosium's #Nephilim ?
My friend bought it, but we never got around to play it.
Reference discussion
It's not my answer to many questions, but for this one, I'd have to say #GURPS, especially if combat is central to the game. I don't think #BRP is as good a generic system (though I love it for #CoC), because it was made for #RuneQuest then adapted, as was the #Hero system from Champions.
If you need a more specific period of history, another system might work better. If you want something for any era, and at a human power scale, then GURPS does that very well.
#gurps #brp #coc #runequest #hero #sjg #chaosium
19637-3114: #Vreemdelingenbeleid; Brief regering; Stand van zaken inschrijving asielzoekers en vergunninghouders in de #BRP
Into The Tower, Ep4 of my solo #BRP #ttrpg adventure is live on the new Solo Tales #podcast feed:
Back to Crag’s Ruin, Ep2 of my solo #ttrpg game played with #BRP has been re-released to the new Solo Tales #podcast
Solo Tales Ep4 Skeletons! continuing the solo actual play #ttrpg using #basicroleplaying aka #brp
The Joy Of Creation, musings on the experience of discovering calm and deep creative energy through #ttrpg #blog #brp #GURPS
@mdhughes @cybergoths @ttrpg @Chaosium
Legend and OpenQuest are fantasy games, not generic systems like #BasicRoleplaying. I don't think Mythras is free.
#basicroleplaying #ttrpg #d100 #brp