#IndieAuthorNews #News #BrsenvereindesDeutschenBuchhandels #Education #Germany #Literacy #PeterKrausvomCleff #Reading
Germany’s Börsenverein Joins Urgent Calls for a ‘National Reading Plan’
The publishers and booksellers of Germany are calling for an urgent, coordinated 'National Reading Plan' to combat educational shortfalls.
The post Germany’s Börsenverein Join...
#indieauthornews #news #brsenvereindesdeutschenbuchhandels #education #germany #literacy #peterkrausvomcleff #reading
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BookPrize #BrsenvereindesDeutschenBuchhandels #Europe #GermanBookTradePeacePrize #Germany #SerhiyZhadan #Ukraine
German Book Trade Peace Prize: ‘Winter Aid for Ukraine’
As nominations open for the 2023 German Book Trade Peace Prize, the program joins in the 'Winter Aid Ukraine' campaign.
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#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bookprize #brsenvereindesdeutschenbuchhandels #europe #germanbooktradepeaceprize #germany #serhiyzhadan #ukraine
#IndieAuthorNews #News #Austria #BookPrize #BrsenvereindesDeutschenBuchhandels #GermanNonfictionPrize #Germany #Liechtenstein #Nonfiction
German Nonfiction Prize: 206 Titles Entered in the 2023 Competition
This year's books submitted for the German Nonfiction Prize include books written in German from the United Kingdom and Liechtenstein.
The post German Nonfiction Prize: 20...
#indieauthornews #news #austria #bookprize #brsenvereindesdeutschenbuchhandels #germannonfictionprize #germany #liechtenstein #nonfiction