@joelepstein I’m a big fan of the #rva #brt system here in sunny #virginia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRTC_Pulse?wprov=sfti1
It´s a mystery to me why the US hasn´t embraced cost-effective center lane #BRT like this workhorse line in #CDMX #MexicoCity #transit #busrapidtransit #insurgentes
#brt #cdmx #mexicocity #transit #busrapidtransit #insurgentes
Bom dia pessoal e boa terça feira!
Atualização do estado do Metrobus em Coimbra #brt #mobilidade #transportes publicado no jornal Diário de Coimbra, de 5 de Setembro de 2023.
#city_osaka_lg #いまざとライナー #BRT #ダイヤ改正
#city_osaka_lg #いまざとライナー #brt #ダイヤ改正
@GofLeisure I think I’m with you on this. Neighborhood based names like “Eken Park” rather than “East Washington Ave & Marquette St”.
#madison #wisconsin #brt #transit #urbanism #SenseOfPlace
What do you do when your popular fare-free #brt is gaining ridership? You start charging fares because beachfront #nimbys say unhoused people are getting too close for comfort. #stpete #sunrunner #transit #florida https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2023/08/23/sunrunner-st-petersburg-no-longer-free-psta
#brt #nimbys #stpete #sunrunner #transit #florida
New #acronym for today: SUMO: #simulation of #urban #mobility!
I am not familiar with the tool, I just stumbled over a presentation on the topic.
#transit #bus #brt #urbanplanning #urbanism #eclipse #ide #java #development #software #data
#acronym #simulation #urban #mobility #transit #bus #brt #urbanplanning #urbanism #eclipse #ide #java #development #software #data
Learning the Serenity Prayer: Perhaps the least appreciated quality of public service is equanimity, which is the ability to remain even tempered in times of stress. That’s because if you propose any public change, no matter the benefits, you will open a floodgate of criticism. Take this #BRT line in PGH. Surely, everyone will agree that their small, temporary sacrifices will be worth the ultimate rewards. Right? https://www.pghcitypaper.com/news/advocates-say-291-million-could-bring-drawbacks-along-with-faster-commuter-times-24270156 #transit
A #BRT line will open along Denver’s Colfax Ave three years from now. To their credit, some city council members are focusing now on how #transit will change this wide, unlovely road. What will people on foot need that’s different from people in cars? Drive-throughs? No. Storage units? Probably not. In the end, the city may find that setting a few rules is the best it can do. The rest will be up to property managers and the business owners. https://denverite.com/2023/07/18/colfax-rezoning-bus-rapid-transit-line-denver-city-council/ #planning
#Transit has never been more needed nor had such a difficult environment to work in than it does today. That’s true in every city … but it’s doubly true in N.O., where 2005’s Hurricane Katrina upended longtime real estate and demographic patterns. Wisely, the city’s transit agency is focusing on buses, including #BRT. But careful: Load too many expectations on BRT, and you’ll make perfect the enemy of the good. https://www.governing.com/transportation/keeping-transit-on-pace-with-a-changing-new-orleans
Surprisingly, there are only 15 full-fledge #BRT lines in the U.S. But many, many more are in the works. Why? BRT is much easier and cheaper to build than rail #transit. And many have a “secret sauce.” They take bus lines that are already popular and make the rides faster, more frequent and more predictable. And that translates into … yet more riders. https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2023/07/01/brt-bus-systems-alexandria/
#MadisonWI 's #BRT program is so successful, the city is eyeing up its #metro transfer points for #redevelopment
#madisonwi #brt #metro #redevelopment #bus #transit
We rode the new #Milwaukee #BRT bus downtown to the Lakefront Art Festival. We were very impressed with the ride. It was fast. The drivers were terrific AND, it was free. That’s hard to beat. I’d definitely recommend giving it a try.
@capntransit look at the former Orange Line busway in the #SFV #LAMetro was opposed by #NIMBYs along Chandler Blvd in #ValleyVillage the #BRT now runs from Chatsworth #Metrolink station to #NorthHollywood aka #NOHO heavy rail subway to #DTLA and #UnionStation and it's busy and successful. Read #MikeDavis #CityofQuartz great book that explores politics in #LosAngeles #transit #signingoff #bonweekend
#sfv #LAmetro #nimbys #valleyvillage #brt #Metrolink #northhollywood #noho #dtla #unionstation #mikedavis #cityofquartz #losangeles #transit #signingoff #bonweekend
Warum "Bus Rapid Transit" (#BRT) hierzulande bisher keine Chance hat, zeigt meine aktuelle Recherche für den @TspBackgroundVS@twitter.com*: 📰⤵️
* Das Probeabo ist kostenlos und verlängert sich fairerweise auch nicht automatisch.
This is a great, clear-eyed look at what it would mean to actually extend the #GRTC Pulse out towards Short Pump. tl,dr: lots of ped/bike improvements needed along the Broad Street corridor, but extension to Parham is a logical first phase. #RVA #transit #brt https://planrva.org/wp-content/uploads/West-Broad-BRT-Corridor-Analysis_FINAL.pdf
I spent some time counting vehicles on Insurgentes this morning before work. In a single light cycle, there are ~35 people in cars, 10 people on bikes, and one articulated #BRT bus. The buses hold up to 260 people and appear to be standing room only toward the city center, so they're taking up 25% of the street, and moving ~85% of the people! #cdmx #transit