#LongCOVID: Alice Evans, #brucellosis, and reflections on infectious causes of chronic disease
“Many long COVID patients today will recognize the fatigue Evans describes in her request for work-from-home accommodations, & the frustration she describes at her colleagues’ suggestion that chronic Brucella infection is merely an excuse to collect disability insurance.”
@longcovid @chronicillness @spoonies #neisvoid
#LongCovid #brucellosis #NEISvoid #chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife
''The early #warning requested all schools to focus on events such as #brucellosis and hemorrhagic fever. #HFMD, foodborne disease, #mumps and possible #rabies also feature on a watchlist.''
#warning #brucellosis #hfmd #mumps #rabies
Okay, let me jump into this #introduction.
I am Noah, working in the #globalhealth #publichealth field. 🌍 🌏 Lots of great projects (get ready for hashtag overload) with #APHL working on #NGS 🧬 #bioinformatics :tux: #microbiology 🧫 #pathogengenomics #COVID19 #COVID #SARSCoV2 #wastewater #pandemicpreparedness #AMR #infectiousdiseases and a host of other items. Previously was #epidemiology #OneHealth #brucellosis 🐮 🐷 .
I can’t wait to see this community grow and doom scroll #science now.
#introduction #globalhealth #publichealth #aphl #ngs #bioinformatics #microbiology #PathogenGenomics #COVID19 #covid #SarsCoV2 #wastewater #pandemicpreparedness #AMR #infectiousdiseases #epidemiology #OneHealth #brucellosis #Science