Federal Politics @politics_smhage #Cartoon of the Day 14 Dec 2015: #BrucePetty with #TonyAbbott and #shirtfronting http://theage.com.au/federal-politics/cartoons #auspol
#shirtfronting #auspol #tonyabbott #brucepetty #cartoon
#TheCathyWilcox @cathywilcox We said goodbye to #BrucePetty yesterday. My @smh @theage #cartoon
#alttext #cartoon #brucepetty #thecathywilcox
A #cartoon I drew after the lovely memorial service for cartoonist #BrucePetty yesterday.
@drrimmer #BrucePetty was a genius- loved the way he often depicted life happening at a frantic pace, running away from us and completely out of control