Aus dem Bilderbuch 'Das große Festmahl von Redwall'
Hier ist 'Die Bauernhochzeit' von Pieter #Bruegel dargestellt.
#bilderbuch #illustration #art #mastoart #artofmastodon #picturebook #Festmahl #Tiere #Animals
#animals #tiere #festmahl #picturebook #artofmastodon #mastoart #art #illustration #bilderbuch #bruegel
"The Fall of the Rebel Angels," Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1562.
Bruegel is always fascinating and challenging, and he always has multiple things giving oomph to his pictures. This painting pays tribute to Bosch with its many bizarre and misshapen creatures; just spend a few minutes looking at it!
From the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels.
RT @artistbruegel: Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, 1560 #bruegel #pieterbruegel
Merry Christmas Mastodonians!
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
The Hunters in the Snow (1565)
#christmas #merryxmas #bruegel #mastoart
Beautiful scene #art #Bruegel
Been on a bit of a bender with Midjourney and, along the way, ended up with these two ridiculous mashups of monsters, Dungeons & Dragons, and... Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
Like you do.
#bruegel #flemishart #art #renaissance #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #midjourney #aiart
#bruegel #flemishart #art #renaissance #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #midjourney #aiart
f/w season.
#clementine #apple #medlar #persimmon #bruegel
#clementine #apple #medlar #persimmon #bruegel
This NYT piece about #Auden & #Bruegel is an excellent companion to @agnescallard “Art is for Seeing Evil” in @thepointmag
De parabel der blinden /The Parable of the Blind/ (1568) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder
I admire this progression and storytelling. We have seen a metaphor about discourse that can lead to... tragic events. I don't limit the interpretation to politics (despite being very adequate representation in these times). In life we all have blind spots and we relate socially from them.
#painting #art #bruegel #blind #metaphor #history
"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus"
Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1560)
#icarus #bruegel #painting #art #nature #renaissance #landscape
#icarus #bruegel #painting #art #nature #renaissance #landscape
RT @artistbruegel: Children's Games, 1560 #pieterbruegel #bruegel
Lo smart working ha penalizzato lavoratori e professioni già svantaggiate #mercatodellavoro #Approfondimento #lavoroadistanza #smartworking #bruegel #work
#work #bruegel #smartworking #lavoroadistanza #Approfondimento #mercatodellavoro
#Hyggelig little art museum in North Sjaelland. European and Danish artists. #Bruegel #Scherfig
MESEDEZ. Sartu hemen eta flipatu. Zoom egin eta #Bruegelen magiak jan zaitzatela. Kanpotik eta barrutik.
Artelanak erakusten duena eta izkutatzen duena gertu-gertutik ikusiz.
Txundigarria da.,vis