#BrutalDeluxe, #MisterDen... #Brutal...
#YellowRugbySocksMatter... | #AllRugbySocksMatter
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🕵️🦹🎈🦄🎈🦹🕵️
#brutaldeluxe #misterden #brutal #meanwhile #yellowrugbysocksmatter #allrugbysocksmatter
Times Radio
Ukraine could 'strangle Russian forces at Melitopol' if Putin can't stop breakout | Ed Arnold
#Ukraine #war #warcrimes
#Putin #insidious #coward #dwarf #massmurderer
#Russia #kleptocrat #fascist #neocolonial #neoimperial #oligarch #billionaire #superyacht #looter #torture #rape #brutal #barbarian #racist #sectarian #nazi #terror #maffia
#ukraine #war #warcrimes #putin #insidious #coward #dwarf #massmurderer #russia #kleptocrat #fascist #neocolonial #neoimperial #oligarch #billionaire #superyacht #looter #torture #rape #brutal #barbarian #racist #sectarian #nazi #terror #maffia
範馬勇次郎とピクルの邂逅 | 範馬刃牙 第二期 外伝ピクル+野人戦争編 | Netflix Japan https://mag.moe/1522581/
#Action #AkioÔtsuka #anime #Baki #BakiHanma #BakiHanmaAnime #BakiHanmaNetflix #BakiHanmaSeason2Part1 #Battle #brutal #exciting #Father&SonRelationships #fight #fistbump #Forceful #MartialArts #MixedMartialArts #Netflix #pickle #Rivalry #TheTaleofPickle&ThePickleWarSaga #ToughCharacters #yujirohanma #アニメ #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ #バキアニメ #大塚明夫 #範馬刃牙
#action #akiootsuka #anime #baki #bakihanma #bakihanmaanime #bakihanmanetflix #bakihanmaseason2part1 #battle #brutal #exciting #father #fight #fistbump #forceful #martialarts #mixedmartialarts #netflix #pickle #rivalry #thetaleofpickle #toughcharacters #yujirohanma #アニメ #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ #バキアニメ #大塚明夫 #範馬刃牙
天界処刑人 七福神 が合体! | 終末のワルキューレⅡ | Netflix Japan https://mag.moe/1514993/
#Addictive #anime #Barbarians/Gladiators #BattlingNemesis #brutal #ChosenOne #competition #exciting #Forceful #GameofDeath #Imaginative #MythicalCreatures #Netflix #RecordofRagnarok #recordofragnarokanime #RecordofRagnarokII #RecordofRagnarokNetflix #ror_anime #SavingtheDay #SuperPowers #survival #ToughCharacters #アニメ #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ #ネトフリアニメ #中村悠一 #田島章寛 #終末のワルキューレ
#addictive #anime #barbarians #battlingnemesis #brutal #chosenone #competition #exciting #forceful #gameofdeath #imaginative #mythicalcreatures #netflix #recordofragnarok #recordofragnarokanime #recordofragnarokii #recordofragnaroknetflix #ror_anime #savingtheday #superpowers #survival #toughcharacters #アニメ #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ #ネトフリアニメ #中村悠一 #田島章寛 #終末のワルキューレ
The New Evidence Against Donald Trump In The MAL Case Is BRUTAL
#TalkingPointsMemo #DonaldTrump #MALCase #NewEvidence #Brutal #News #Politics #News
#talkingpointsmemo #donaldtrump #malcase #NewEvidence #brutal #news #politics
2. Halbfinale: Deutschland vs. Belgien
Wer zieht ins Finale ein? Für Belgien tritt der Western "Keine Gnade" an, für Deutschland der Horror-Comic "Tick Tock". Stimmt mit ab bei Insta und Tiktok 🙂
#comic #comics #comicbattle #comickritik #graphicnovel #abstimmung #finale #halbfinale #voting #belgien #deutschland #kultcomics #keinegnade #western #cowboy #sheriff #marshall #ticktock #diespinne #anthologie #horror #brutal #grusel #künstler #edison
#comic #comics #comicbattle #comickritik #graphicnovel #abstimmung #finale #halbfinale #voting #belgien #deutschland #kultcomics #KeineGnade #western #cowboy #sheriff #Marshall #ticktock #diespinne #anthologie #horror #brutal #grusel #kunstler #edison
1. Halbfinale: Crossed vs. Joker
Im ersten Halbfinale tritt Crossed gegen Joker an. Wir werfen einen Blick auf die Zeichnungen und ihr entscheidet, wer weiterkommen soll!
Stimmt mit ab bei Insta oder Tiktok 😀
#comic #comics #comicbattle #comickritik #graphicnovel #joker #dc #batman #gothamcity #crossed #zombies #thesadness #garthennis #abstimmung #finale #halbfinale #voting #brutal #gewalt #heathledger
#comic #comics #comicbattle #comickritik #graphicnovel #joker #dc #batman #GothamCity #crossed #zombies #thesadness #GarthEnnis #abstimmung #finale #halbfinale #voting #brutal #gewalt #heathledger
Bill sponsor Rep. #TonyCardenas noted #greyhounds exploited in racing often endure #brutal “ #training ” regimes and also are at risk of being #drugged and #confined for up to 23 hours a day when they aren’t racing.
No dog deserves to suffer and die for people’s #entertainment. This bill must pass – and legislators also must make sure to include provisions for the retired racers to find loving, #ForeverHomes.
#foreverhomes #entertainment #confined #drugged #training #brutal #greyhounds #tonycardenas
Attempts to control the #internet, sold for "#safety", are always about taking away the measure of #power that a #decentralized, #independent #communications channel ("the internet") gave to the Little People, and to return it back to the #few, the #wealthy, the #powerful, the #connected.
What bothers me so much about it is that it isn't just the #brutal, #authoritarian, and #autocratic #regimes that propose it.
#UK. #USA. #Canada. #Australia. #France. #Italy.
On and on.
#internet #Safety #power #decentralized #independent #communications #few #wealthy #powerful #connected #brutal #authoritarian #autocratic #regimes #uk #usa #canada #australia #france #italy
@musenhain Das skizzierte Experiment hat unterdessen stattgefunden, heute. Bei genauerer Beohrung und Betrachtung auf dem Scope in VCV zeigt sich ein Delay-Problem bei der Ableitung der Clock aus dem „Takt“ des NoInputMixer-Signals, das aber vielleicht in all dem Krach nicht vordergründig hervorsticht…
#NoInputMixer #techno #tekkno #hardstuff #noise #brutal #nielsonaut #synthesizer #modular #vcvrack #vcv #linux #RandaleUndRadau
#randaleundradau #linux #vcv #vcvrack #modular #synthesizer #nielsonaut #brutal #noise #HardStuff #Tekkno #techno #noinputmixer
Diese #Foltermethode wurde zwar damals von den Genfer Konventionen geächtet, aber ich wünschte meine Oma würde noch leben, in ihr Taschentuch spucken und damit #Merz und #Söder mal ordentlich die Gesichter säubern.
#csu #cdu #brutal #Soder #merz #foltermethode
Determining #climatechange: Some of these physical installations are on #land #occupied as spoils of #war. Most are maintained through collaborations with governments, many of them #brutal and #oppressive governments benefiting from the bases’ presence. In many cases, human beings were #displaced.
#climatechange #land #occupied #war #brutal #oppressive #displaced #warsforoil #KenSaroWiwa #fossilfuel #domination
Prof. Timothy #Synder ( #TimothySnyder )
Prigozhin's March on Moscow (corrected)
Ten lessons from a mutiny
#Ukraine #war #warcrimes
#Putin #insidious #dwarf #Prigozhin #brutal #criminal
#Russia #kleptocrat #fascist #neoimperial #neocolonial
#Oligarch #billionaire #looter #torture #rape #terror #maffia
Russia is a failed state.
#synder #TimothySnyder #ukraine #war #warcrimes #putin #insidious #dwarf #prigozhin #brutal #criminal #russia #kleptocrat #fascist #neoimperial #neocolonial #oligarch #billionaire #looter #torture #rape #terror #maffia
"Some anticipate Mr #Putin will lash out in some way, either militarily at #Ukraine, or at those inside #Russia who have been unsupportive.
Polish MEP Radek Sikorski told the BBC that the Russian leader would "probably purge those who he saw as wavering", meaning his regime will become "more #authoritarian and more #brutal at the same time"."
Yep. I see it the same way.
Guess he will do both.
#putin #ukraine #russia #authoritarian #brutal
In KEINE GNADE wird der Verbrecher Buck Carter von einem unerbitterlichen Marshall gejagt, der es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht hat, ihn zur Strecke zu bringen. Dabei entwickelt sich Buck Carter für ihn zu einer Art weißen Wal, denn die Verfolgung zieht sich über Jahre hinweg und so gerät irgendwann auch Bucks Sohn ins Visier des Marshalls.
#western #comic #comics #comickritik #keinegnade #cowboy #sheriff #marshall #wilderwesten #pferde #prärie #verbrecher #outlaw #brutal
#western #comic #comics #comickritik #KeineGnade #cowboy #sheriff #Marshall #wilderwesten #pferde #prarie #verbrecher #outlaw #brutal
Anyone got any brutal/bloody rape I could have, doesnt have to be of kids I just wanna see the lights go out in peoples eyes💀
Element: bloodlove96:matrix.org
#snuff #guro #ryona #rape #brutal #extreme #loliii #Lolicon_ #loli_ #cunnyy #cpp #mappp #ped_ #p3dooo #pedophilia #pxdoo #young #lxli #pedophile #pedo_ #pedooooo #pedo0
#pedo0 #pedooooo #pedo_ #pedophile #lxli #young #pxdoo #pedophilia #p3dooo #ped_ #mappp #cpp #cunnyy #loli_ #Lolicon_ #loliii #extreme #brutal #rape #ryona #guro #snuff
Vinny says, have a nice day! If you enjoy these fun comedic voiceovers, follow for more. Exclusive to my Mastodon. 🎧🎙️🤘 #Voiceover #comedy #brutal #laugh #sarcasm
#voiceover #comedy #brutal #laugh #sarcasm
If anyone has any real extremely brutal kiddy rape or kiddy snuff vids I would love it if you could help me sink deeper into this depravity, it makes me diamonds thinking about it 🖤
Element: https://matrix.to/#/@kiddykollector:matrix.org
#map_ #aam_ #nsfw #child #porn #yuri #loliii #Lolicon_ #cunnyy #loli_ #cpp #aamm #mappp #ped_ #p3dooo #pxdoo #lxli #pedophile #pedooooo #pedo_ #pedo0 #snuff #brutal #extreme #rape #forced
#forced #rape #extreme #brutal #snuff #pedo0 #pedo_ #pedooooo #pedophile #lxli #pxdoo #p3dooo #ped_ #mappp #aamm #cpp #loli_ #cunnyy #Lolicon_ #loliii #yuri #porn #child #nsfw #aam_ #map_