Yes, I'm naming my software like the smurfs do.
This is an android pentest tool made by me in Lua.
It uses adb to bruteforce Android phone's PIN.
Notice included.
To those smarties that would like to use that NOT in educational purpose: you need to at least enable USB-debugging on a victim's phone.
Made it just for fun and to upgrade my Lua skills.
#bruteforce #bruteforcing #android #pentest #pentesting #justforfun
#bruteforce #bruteforcing #android #pentest #pentesting #justforfun
Which wordlists do people use the most frequently or know by name?
#infosec #wordlists #recon #enumeration #bruteforcing
#infosec #wordlists #recon #enumeration #bruteforcing
Let’s say hi to someone trying to use my #email #server as an open relay and putting their email as the receiving one. Also that subnet #bruteforcing has 300K #reports. Can’t we just yeet their internet at this point? :blobcatpeek:
#email #server #bruteforcing #reports
#Metaverse »The #NegativeAppeal of #theMetaverse: An era of #bruteforcing #innovation (or why #AI art is different than #Web3).«
#Metaverse #NegativeAppeal #themetaverse #bruteforcing #Innovation #AI #Web3
Aiodnsbrute - DNS Asynchronous Brute Force Utility #Aiodnsbrute #Async #Bruteforcing #Enumeration
#enumeration #bruteforcing #async #aiodnsbrute
HEH P2P Botnet Sports Dangerous Wiper Function - The P2P malware is infecting any and all types of endpoints via brute-forcing, with 10 versions ta... #malwareanalysis #mobilesecurity #bruteforcing #selfdestruct #websecurity #peertopeer #360netlab #malware #botnet #telnet #wiper #iot #heh #p2p
#p2p #heh #iot #wiper #telnet #botnet #malware #360netlab #peertopeer #websecurity #selfdestruct #bruteforcing #mobilesecurity #malwareanalysis
Activision Refutes Claims of 500K-Account Hack - The Call of Duty behemoth said that the reports of widespread hacks are false. #twofactorauthentication #accounttakeover #bruteforcing #websecurity #activision #callofduty #passwords #accounts #breach #denies #gaming #hacks #hack #ato
#ato #hack #hacks #gaming #denies #breach #accounts #passwords #callofduty #activision #websecurity #bruteforcing #accounttakeover #twofactorauthentication
APT28 Mounts Rapid, Large-Scale Theft of Office 365 Logins - The Russia-linked threat group is harvesting credentials for Microsoft's cloud offering, and targe... #2020presidentialelection #credentialharvesting #passwordspraying #cloudsecurity #bruteforcing #websecurity #government #fancybear #microsoft #office365 #strontium #russia #sofacy #hacks #apt28
#apt28 #hacks #sofacy #russia #strontium #office365 #microsoft #fancybear #government #websecurity #bruteforcing #cloudsecurity #passwordspraying #credentialharvesting #2020presidentialelection
Passwords are the go-to way for providing authentication in many applications.
Assess how strong your password is by looking at the chart below.
#SCSPCommunity #InfoSec #CyberSecurity #cyberthreats #dataprivacy #protection #passwords #bruteforcing #security #informationsecurity
#SCSPCommunity #infosec #cybersecurity #cyberthreats #dataprivacy #protection #passwords #bruteforcing #security #informationsecurity