Ein neuer Montag. Heute sind wir am See.
A new monday. Today we're at the Lake.
Willst du in meinem Fotoalbum erscheinen? Schick mir 3 Screenshots deines Avatars mit unterschiedlichen Posen/Kleidung (im Kleiderschrank)
Do you want to be in my album? Send me 3 Screenshots of your avatar in different poses/clothing (wardrobe)
#monday #motivation #Lake #froxy #knirfish #pelipper #froakie #bruxish #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #margherhyme #pokemonfanart
#monday #motivation #lake #froxy #knirfish #Pelipper #froakie #bruxish #pokemongo #PokemonGOApp #margherhyme #pokemonfanart
"#PokémonGO Festival of Colors returns in 2023, with the arrival of two new #Pokémon (#Bruxish and #MegaMedicham), colourful PokéStops, 2x Friendship bonuses, Smeargle surprise photo bombs, and more...
From Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 10:00am, to Tuesday March 14, 2023 at 10:00pm local time"
#FestivalOfColours2023 | Pokémon GO Hub
#festivalofcolours2023 #megamedicham #bruxish #pokemon #PokemonGo
Festival of Colors 2023
#MegaMedicham and #Bruxish debut
#PokemonGO #PokemonGOApp #MikoGraphics https://t.co/98mtEjFdcm
#megamedicham #bruxish #pokemongo #pokemongoapp #mikographics